Friday Night Lights Quote
Coach Taylor: A few of you have been here. A few of you have not. One thing we all have to do tonight, we've got to focus. The game plan, the fundamentals, gentlemen, moving the sticks what we're going to be doing out there. And listen, fellas, there's a joy to this game, is there not? There's a passion, there's a reason why we're all out here. Other than the fact the pride that it gives us and the respect that it demands we love to play the game so let's go out there and have fun tonight. Do you understand? Because tomorrow, if you give 100% of yourself tonight people are going to look at you differently. People are going to think of you differently. And I promise you you're going look and think differently about yourself. Clear eyes. Full Hearts.
Landry: Can't Lose.
Landry: Can't Lose.
TV Show: Friday Night Lights