Frisky Dingo Quotes

Taqu'il: We can win this election.
Killface: How? Giving out free bus rides?
Dottie: Well, who wants to ride in some crappy old bus with no windows? [Baby Lamont happily chirps] Oh, you just like trips.

TV Show: Frisky Dingo
Killface: [after Simon shoots down Xander's plane] Take that, you bum-snacking Republican!
Taqu'il: Damn it, I thought we were going to campaign on the issues!
Killface: Oh, lighten up.

TV Show: Frisky Dingo
Grace: If you leave me to burn to death in this plane, we are just finished!
Xander: Well...we'll always have Vegas.
Grace: That wasn't me!
Xander: Well...okay.
[Xander, with Stan on his back, jumps out]
Grace: You bastard! God, still can't stay mad at him! [Jumps out after him]

TV Show: Frisky Dingo
Stan: Thank you for saving me.
Xander: Hey, don't get all Sophie's Choice, man. You know, think of all the sympathy cooz I'm gonna get. "Oh, where's your girlfriend," "Oh, she burned to death," "Oh, my god, put your penis in my vagina." I'll be killin' it, man.

TV Show: Frisky Dingo
Xander: You are like a bad penny.

TV Show: Frisky Dingo
Xander: [talking head] So, this is probably on the down-low, [picture of Xander standing over a shot panda] but every year I go on these sorta...well, I guess they're like "grey market safaris."
Interviewer: Is that a panda bear?
Xander: Yep, the most dangerous game.
Interviewer: Man! Man is the most dangerous game.
Xander: Well, tell that to a mommy panda protecting her cubs.
Interviewer: That's disgusting!
Xander: You should see when they skin it. [Xander pulls the microphone down to his mouth] No, seriously. You'd puke your guts out

TV Show: Frisky Dingo
Killface: You should be out doing this too.
Taqu'il: Two movies: Surviving the Game, Deliverance. Not gonna happen.

TV Show: Frisky Dingo
Stan: And so now, Mr. Crews will hunt.
Xander: Well, then, put down the bamboo.
Stan: What fucking bamboo?
Xander: You gotta put a big pile of it down, and then the mommy panda comes out and she's all, "gotta find some bamboo for my babies," and you're like [fires shotgun] POW! Peel'er one

TV Show: Frisky Dingo
Xander: You think they're looking for us?
Killface: Both presidential candidates lost in bog? They must be.
[In Killface's apartment, Dottie and Taqu'il watch a NASCAR race]
Taqu'il: Man, I can't believe this.
Dottie: Well, it's not like we can stay out there all night.
Taqu'il: No, I can't believe I've been missing out on this white-knuckle thrill ride. Lookit, Junior's makin' a move!
Dottie: God love him.
Stan: All right, who's ready for another Tom Collins?
Dottie: See, now he gets me.

TV Show: Frisky Dingo
Killface: [going towards duck call] Come on, it's that way.
Xander: Dibs on the dark meat...
Killface: Shut up!
Xander: ...she said.
Killface: Turn six!

TV Show: Frisky Dingo
Waitress: Sir, care to sample a yummy wee-muf?
Stan: [typing] Why the hell would you come over here and presume that I would want a yummy... mmmmmiss-muf?

TV Show: Frisky Dingo
Killface: It's the international, you know, cry for help in the wilderness, bang bang bang, three quick shots.
Xander: Where'd you hear that?
Killface: It was in...oh, God, what was it? There was this whacking great bear...
Xander: Oh, was it that movie The Bear?
Killface: Shut up, no, it was...
Xander: B.J. and the Bear?
Killface: Tony Hopkins was in it.
Xander: Oh, God, is he great?
Killface: I could watch him read the phone book.
Xander: And pay money to see it.

TV Show: Frisky Dingo
Killface: Do you want to argue over it until we both die of hypothermia?
Xander: No, but I'm prepared to!
Killface: Fine, we'll do it together.
[Xander chuckles]
Killface: Would you turn six, please?!

TV Show: Frisky Dingo
Killface: Three quick ones, on
Xander: Wait, why do you get to count?
Killface: God, all right, you count!
Xander: All I'm asking. One...
Killface: Oh, my God!
Xander: Damn it!
Killface: The Edge! Tony Hopkins, Alec Baldwin, Elle Macpherson, black guy from Oz, whacking great bear, The Edge. Why aren't you counting?

TV Show: Frisky Dingo
Xander: Two...
[Val pops up from marsh with rifle and fires three shots, followed by two off-screen splashes]
Val: Three. [Makes duck call]

TV Show: Frisky Dingo
[Fifty minutes after the computer goes down]
Stan: No, what are the last three digits?
Xander: I don't even see the I.P. address.
Stan: It's right up...
Xander: Now I'm thinking of I.P Freely. Now I'm thinking of Ace Frehley. Stan, Ace Frehley...
Stan: Oh, for fuck's sake...
Xander: Put him in on list.
Stan: Why is the damn thing turned off?
Xander: You said shut down.
Stan: Momentarily, a half an hour ago!
Xander: Well, I didn't go to computer academy!
Stan: Oh, shut the fuck up!

TV Show: Frisky Dingo
Killface: Barnaby, my God, did you see that?
Xander: Yeah, and I'm curious to know where the fuck she got robot pants!

TV Show: Frisky Dingo
Dottie: ...and, as you know, American voters insist on a Christian president.
Killface: That's me. I'm Christian in spades!
Dottie: But you have to be subtle about it.
Killface: I'm subtle in spades!
Taqu'il: They also don't want you to use the word "spades" all the damn time.

TV Show: Frisky Dingo
Grace: As a Democrat, don't you support a woman's right to choose?
Killface: You mean her right to be a whore?

TV Show: Frisky Dingo
Xander: (on headline outing Simon) BOOSH! Dude, we have got to jump on this with both feet.
Stan: Nope.
Xander: I want WebTV, I want Bluetube...
Stan: Nope, we leave this one alone.
Xander: Why?
Stan: Because two words: John Kerry.
Xander: Who?
Stan: Exactly.
Xander: [Beat] ...He some sort of famous gay dude?

TV Show: Frisky Dingo
Wendell: [Wendell is visiting Cody in jail. Cody has the appearance of a stereotypical 'prison bitch'.] So, you think you could move some product in here?
Cody: [sighs] I'll...have to check with Gary.
Wendell: Who the hell's Gary? [long pause as Cody looks down] Ohhh.

TV Show: Frisky Dingo
Xander: I do have shortlist of four tentative maybes.
Stan: [grabbing list]] Let's see here...
Xander: Okay, Snatch-mo.
Stan: [reading] Roxanne, the Real Roxanne, Roxanne Shanté, and Salman Rushdie.
Xander: Which...I think it's actually "Salmon."

TV Show: Frisky Dingo
Xander: Huh, well, we'll just see what old Wikipedia has to say about this Canada business... Why is, um... nothing's happening here.
Stan: You're not connected to the Internet!
Xander: The what?

TV Show: Frisky Dingo
Stan: How good is... your reading?
Xander: Not great.

TV Show: Frisky Dingo
Stan: Hahaha! See! It's not Vice President of the United States and Canada!

TV Show: Frisky Dingo
Killface: [looking at Lamont's homemade "get well soob" card] Damn it, Lamont, what did I say about the macaroni?!

TV Show: Frisky Dingo
Stan: Give my regards to Hooper.
Xander: [in Awesome X gear]And what's that supposed to mean? You know, I hate it...with your little snotty foreshadowing.

TV Show: Frisky Dingo
Deceptacle #1: Hooper's in charge now.
Awesome X: How and why is Hooper in charge?!
Deceptacle #1: know, he' a lot of great ideas
Awesome X: It's his tits, isn't it!
Deceptacle #1: Oh, my God, are his tits not insane?
Awesome X: [sighs] They totally are.
Deceptacle #2: Oh, and not just his tits either.
Awesome X and Decepatacle #2: His ass.
Awesome X: It's like a peach, I've seen it.

TV Show: Frisky Dingo
Deceptacle #3: Sing the song, dude.
Awesome X: There's a song?!
Deceptacle #3: [singing] Deceptacles...
Deceptacles: [joining in] More than you bargained for. [One does a drum solo]
Deceptacle #4: Way to ruin it, "Neil Peart"

TV Show: Frisky Dingo
Deceptacle #1: Let's hear it for Hooper's titties!

TV Show: Frisky Dingo