Get Out Quotes

[last lines] Rod Williams: I mean, I told you not to go in that house. I mean...
Chris Washington: How you find me?
Rod Williams: I'm TS-motherfuckin'-A. We handle shit. That's what we do. Consider this situation fuckin' handled.

Movie: Get Out
Missy Armitage: Now, sink into the floor.
Chris Washington: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
Missy Armitage: Sink. - - - Now, you're in the sunken place.

Movie: Get Out
Chris Washington: [about the housekeeper]This bitch is crazy. Bitch is crazy.

Movie: Get Out
Rod Williams: [to Detective Latoya and two other detectives]Then he sent me some weird pictures. I'm like, Ah man, that's Andre Hayworth. This dude's been missing for 6 months, right? So I do all my research, you know, 'cause as a TSA agent. You know, you guys are detectives. You know, I got the same training. We might know more than y'all sometimes, you know, 'cause we are dealing with some terrorist shit, so... but that's a totally different story. So look, I-I go do my... my detective work, right? And I start putting pieces together. And see, this is what I came up with. They're probably abducting black people, brainwashing them and making them slaves... or sex slaves. Not just regular slaves, but sex slaves and shit. See? I don't know if it's the hypnosis that's making 'em slaves or what not, but all I know is they already got two brothas we know and there could be a whole bunch of brothas they got already. What's the next move? [after a few seconds, the three detectives look at each other and burst out hysterically in laughter]
Detective Latoya: Don't ever, ever say that I don't do nothing anymore. [still laughing]
Detective Latoya: Oh, white girls. They get you every time.

Movie: Get Out
Commercial Voiceover: A mind is a terrible thing to waste.

Movie: Get Out
Rose Armitage: You know I can't give you the keys, right, babe?

Movie: Get Out
Rod Williams: [about Andre Hayworth]But Chris say he is acting real different.
Detective Latoya: Different how?
Rod Williams: [shows picture that Chris sent him]This dude is from Brooklyn, huh. He didn't dress like this.
Detective Latoya: I didn't use to dress like this.
Rod Williams: Plus, he is married to a white woman twice his age.
Detective Latoya: That would explain the clothes... All right. [laughs]
Detective Latoya: Oh Lord, Rod Williams from TSA.

Movie: Get Out
Jim Hudson: I want your eye, man. I want those things you see through.

Movie: Get Out
Chris Washington: He's different.
Rod Williams: No shit! Why is he dressed like that?
Chris Washington: It's not that, it's everything. He came to the party with a white woman like 30 years older than him.
Rod Williams: Sex slave! Oh, shit! Chris, you gotta get the fuck up outta there, man! You in some 'Eyes Wide Shut' situation. *Leave*, motherfuck - [cell phone line goes dead]

Movie: Get Out
Dean Armitage: You know what I say? I say one down, a couple hundred thousand to go. I don't mean to get on my high horse, but I'm telling you, I do not like the deer. I'm sick of it; they're taking over. They're like rats. They're destroying the ecosystem. I see a dead deer on the side of the road and I think, That's a start.

Movie: Get Out
Rose Armitage: You were one of my favorites.

Movie: Get Out
Andre Logan King: Get out.
Chris Washington: Sorry, man.
Andre Logan King: Get out!

Movie: Get Out
[as Logan and his wife leave] Missy Armitage: [to Dean]Something to lighten the mood.
Dean Armitage: Yes, yeah, let's get this party back on track. How about sparklers and BINGO.

Movie: Get Out
Chris Washington: [the hypnotic tea cup shows up again]NO! [falls asleep]

Movie: Get Out
Chris Washington: I got hypnotized last night.
Rod Williams: Nigga, get the fuck outta here!
Chris Washington: No. Yo, yo, yeah it's to quit smoking. But Rose's mom's a psychiatrist, so...
Rod Williams: Bro, I don't care if the bitch is Iyanla Vanzant, okay? She can't fix my motherfuckin' life. You ain't getting in my head.
Chris Washington: I know, she caught me off guard, right? But it's cool because... I'm cured. It worked!
Rod Williams: Bro, how you not scared of this, man? Look they could have made you do all types of stupid shit. They have you fuckin' barking like a dog. Flyin' around like you a fuckin' pigeon, lookin' ridiculous. Okay? Or, I don't know if you know this. But, white people love making people sex slaves and shit.
Chris Washington: Yeah, I'm pretty sure they are not a kinky sex family, dawg.
Rod Williams: Look, Jeffrey Dahmer was eatin' the shit out of niggas' heads. Okay? But that was after he fucked the heads. Do you think they saw that shit comin'? Hell no! Okay? They were coming over there like I'm just gonna suck a little dick, maybe jiggle some balls or shit. No! They didn't get a chance to jiggle shit because their head was off their fuckin' body! Yeah, they still sucked the dick, but without their heads. It was fuckin' weird detached heads shit. You know, that's Jeffrey Dahmer's business.
Chris Washington: Thanks for that image right there, man.
Rod Williams: Hey man, I ain't makin' this shit up. I saw it on A&E. That is real life.
Chris Washington: Yo, and the black people out here too. It's like all of them missed the movement.
Rod Williams: It's because they probably hypnotized. Look bro, all I'm doin' is connectin' the dots. I'm takin' what you presented to me, okay? I'm gonna tell you this, I think that mom is puttin' everybody in a tran

Movie: Get Out
Chris Washington: Do they know I'm - Do they know I'm black?
Rose Armitage: No. Should they?
Chris Washington: It seems like something you might want to, you know, mention.
Rose Armitage: Mom and Dad, my black boyfriend will be coming up this weekend and I just don't want you to be shocked that he's a black man - a black.
Chris Washington: So, I was the first black guy you ever dated.
Rose Armitage: Yeah, so what?
Chris Washington: Yeah, so this is uncharted territory for them. You know, I don't want to get chased off the lawn with a shotgun.
Rose Armitage: You're not going to. First of all, my Dad would have voted for Obama a third time if he could've. Like, the love is so real.

Movie: Get Out
Rod Williams: I'm mad at you because you never take my advice.
Chris Washington: Like what?
Rod Williams: Like don't go to a white girl's parents' house. What is she doin'? Lickin' your balls or somethin'?

Movie: Get Out
Dean Armitage: You're gonna love this. My Dad's claim to fame. He was beat by Jesse Owens in the qualifying round for the Berlin Olympics in 1936. Those were the ones where...
Chris Washington: Where Owens won in front of Hitler.
Dean Armitage: Yeah, what a moment. What a moment. I mean, Hitler was up there with all those perfect Aryan race bullshit. This black dude comes along and proves him wrong in front of the entire world. Amazing!
Chris Washington: Tough break for your Dad, though.
Dean Armitage: Yeah, he almost got over it.

Movie: Get Out
Dean Armitage: By the way, I would have voted for Obama for a third term, if I could. Best President in my lifetime, hands down.
Chris Washington: I agree.

Movie: Get Out
Missy Armitage: [stirring a spoon in her tea]We do use focal points sometimes to guide someone to a state of heightened suggestibility.
Chris Washington: Heightened suggestibility?
Missy Armitage: That's right. That's right! [continues to stir a spoon in her tea]

Movie: Get Out
Chris Washington: I didn't get to met you, actually, up close. I'm Chris.
Walter: I know who you are. She is lovely, isn't she?
Chris Washington: Rose? Yes, she is.
Walter: One of a kind. Top of the line! A real doggone keeper. [laughs]

Movie: Get Out
Gordon Greene: You ever play golf?
Chris Washington: Once. A few years ago. I wasn't very good.
Emily Greene: Gordon was a professional golfer for years!
Gordon Greene: Well, I can't quite swing the hips like I used to, though. But, I do know Tiger!
Rose Armitage: Oh, that's great.
Emily Greene: Gordon loves Tiger.

Movie: Get Out
Lisa Deets: [to Rose after gazing at Chris' crotch]So, is it true? Is it better?

Movie: Get Out
Parker Dray: Fair skin has been in favor for, what, the past hundreds of years. But, now the pendulum has swung back. Black is in fashion!

Movie: Get Out
Jim Hudson: Ignorance.
Chris Washington: Who?
Jim Hudson: All of 'em. They mean well, but, they have no idea what real people will go through.

Movie: Get Out
Jim Hudson: Believe me, the irony of being a blind art dealer isn't lost on me.

Movie: Get Out
Jim Hudson: I used to dabble myself. Wilderness mostly. I submitted to Nat Geo 14 times before realizing I didn't have the eye. I began dealing. Then, of course, my vision went to shit.
Chris Washington: Damn.
Jim Hudson: I know. Life can be a sick joke. One day you're developing prints in the dark room and the next day you wake up - in the dark. Genetic disease.
Chris Washington: Shit ain't fair, man.
Jim Hudson: Oh, you got that right! Shit ain't fair.

Movie: Get Out
Chris Washington: I'm sorry. It's all good, alright.

Movie: Get Out
Georgina: I owe you an apology. How rude of me to have touched your belongs without asking.
Chris Washington: Oh, no. That's cool. I was just confused.
Georgina: Well, I can assure you, there was no - funny business.

Movie: Get Out
Chris Washington: It's fine. I wasn't trying to snitch.
Georgina: Snitch?
Chris Washington: Rat you out.
Georgina: [thinks]Tattletale!
Chris Washington: Yeah.
Georgina: Oh, don't you worry about that. I can assure you, I don't answer to anyone.
Chris Washington: Right. All I know is sometimes, if there's too many white folks, I get nervous, you know.
Georgina: [stops smiling, smiles again, tear rolls down her face, laughs]Oh, no. No. No! No, no. No-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no. Aren't you something. That's not my experience. Not at all. The Armitages are so good to us. They treat us like family.

Movie: Get Out