Get Out Quote

Chris Washington: I got hypnotized last night.
Rod Williams: Nigga, get the fuck outta here!
Chris Washington: No. Yo, yo, yeah it's to quit smoking. But Rose's mom's a psychiatrist, so...
Rod Williams: Bro, I don't care if the bitch is Iyanla Vanzant, okay? She can't fix my motherfuckin' life. You ain't getting in my head.
Chris Washington: I know, she caught me off guard, right? But it's cool because... I'm cured. It worked!
Rod Williams: Bro, how you not scared of this, man? Look they could have made you do all types of stupid shit. They have you fuckin' barking like a dog. Flyin' around like you a fuckin' pigeon, lookin' ridiculous. Okay? Or, I don't know if you know this. But, white people love making people sex slaves and shit.
Chris Washington: Yeah, I'm pretty sure they are not a kinky sex family, dawg.
Rod Williams: Look, Jeffrey Dahmer was eatin' the shit out of niggas' heads. Okay? But that was after he fucked the heads. Do you think they saw that shit comin'? Hell no! Okay? They were coming over there like I'm just gonna suck a little dick, maybe jiggle some balls or shit. No! They didn't get a chance to jiggle shit because their head was off their fuckin' body! Yeah, they still sucked the dick, but without their heads. It was fuckin' weird detached heads shit. You know, that's Jeffrey Dahmer's business.
Chris Washington: Thanks for that image right there, man.
Rod Williams: Hey man, I ain't makin' this shit up. I saw it on A&E. That is real life.
Chris Washington: Yo, and the black people out here too. It's like all of them missed the movement.
Rod Williams: It's because they probably hypnotized. Look bro, all I'm doin' is connectin' the dots. I'm takin' what you presented to me, okay? I'm gonna tell you this, I think that mom is puttin' everybody in a tran

Movie: Get Out


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