Gin Tama Quote

Kagura: Sensei, take mine. It's broken and doesn't really play, though...[blows air into her food which looks somewhat like a recorder]
Gintoki It's your brain that's broken! Come on, I don't care whose..I just need someone's whistle. A girl's, if possible.
Student: No way! Your cigarette smell will spread.
Gintoki: I've told you, this isn't a cigarette. It's a lollipop!
Student: Lollipops don't smoke.
Gintoki: I'm telling you, it's just that it's soooooo lolilolilolied that it smokes. [pulls the lollipop out of his mouth] Come on, girls. One of you loan me your whistle. I'll lolly it up.
Girls: NO WAY!

TV Show: Gin Tama


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