Grey's Anatomy Quote

Denny: Can I ask you something personal?
Izzie: If I say no?
Denny: I'll hold my breath, which will stop my heart, killing me. You're right here, you'll be charged with murder. Lifetime in prison loved by a big old girl named Hildy.
Izzie: So my choices are homicide charges or inappropriate personal questions from a patient.
Denny: I know, kind of sucks.
Izzie: You know what, hold your breath. I'll take my chances with Hildy. I can do girl-on-girl.
Denny: Oh, you're bringing up girl-on-girl? How can I blackmail you if you bring up girl-on-girl?
Izzie: What do you want to know?
Denny: That guy Alex. You with him?
Izzie: No, not anymore and never ever again.
Denny: Good, that means I won't have to fight him for you.
Izzie: What makes you think I want you to fight him for me?
Denny: You're in love with me. I'm well-off, but not into money; I'm smart, but not a know-it-all; I'm funny, I'm really nice, I love animals— and I'm hot. I'm a catch, if you can wrap your head around the enlarged failing heart and dependency to IV meds.
Izzie: You're right. I am so in love with you. It's a shame, really, since I'm with Hildy and all.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy


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