Grey's Anatomy Quotes

Burke: There’s no change. Thought you should know.
Cristina: No kidding.
Burke: You know, some do come back from this.
Cristina: You know what? I’m not a civilian. I know the science here. It’s drinking time.
Burke: Not yet. You have a responsibility to Meredith.
Cristina: No. Uh Uh. I don’t do this stuff. You should know. I don’t go great lengths.
Burke: Well, you were there for me.
Cristina: After. After I knew you were going to make it. Hey, I’m not proud. Okay, I just…I can’t. I can’t go back there. I can’t. I can’t go back there and watch her.
Burke: Listen to me. This is about you and the woman you call your person. And you do know the science here. And if she dies, and you are sitting here when that happens, I can’t see you coming back from that. Come and say goodbye to your friend.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Denny: What happened in that water?
Meredith: I swam, I fought.
Denny: No, you didn't, and you can't stay here, Meredith.
Meredith: I don't want to!
Denny: Yeah, you do. It's easier, but you can't. Because George's Dad died, because Izzie lost me, and Cristina, when she was nine she was in a car accident with her Father and he bled out right in front of her while they waited for an ambulance to arrive, and Alex...
Meredith: Stop!
Denny: They are barely breathing, this will break them, and none of them deserves that. And this, this is the big one, so you pay attention. Do you know what kind of miracle it is that Derek is who he is? Do you know how rare it is that someone like him even exists? He's still an optimist. He still believes in true love and magic and soul mates. He's waiting for you, and if you don't come back from will change who he is.
Meredith: Oh, God...

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Meredith: [voiceover] At the end of a day like this, a day when so many prayers are answered and so many aren’t, we take our miracles where we find them. We reach across the gap and sometimes, against all odds, against all logic, we touch...

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Meredith: [voiceover] People have scars. In all sorts of unexpected places. Like secret road maps of their personal histories. Diagrams of all their old wounds. Most of our wounds heal, leaving nothing behind but a scar. But some of them don't. Some wounds we carry with us everywhere and though the cut's long gone, the pain still lingers.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Izzie: Alex is moving in?! To this house?!
Meredith: He's taking George's room.
Izzie: Why?
Derek: I was asleep just a minute ago.
Izzie: Uh! And I was naked - in the bathroom - when Alex walked in. I'm lucky I didn't come out of the shower to see him peeing all over the seat.
Derek: And we're up.
[Derek leaves]
Izzie: What's wrong with where he was living before?
Meredith: I don't know where he was living before.
Izzie: Probably a whorehouse.
[Meredith laughs]
Izzie: I can't have him living in the room right next door. It's weird.
Meredith: People are what matters. Alex is one of our people. We can't just leave him out in the cold.
Izzie: 'People are what matters.' You don't like people. Is this about your mother?
Meredith: No! I had a near-death whatever and I was dead. And now I'm not. So, I'd like to use this chance I've been given to be more positive. People are what matters. Paint with all the colors of the wind.
Izzie: Oh, okay. You're crazy now.
Meredith: [giggling] I'm alive.
Izzie: Yeah, okay.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Izzie: He's in George's room, and when George's stupid marriage crashes and burns, he's gonna wanna move back in, he won't be able to. His life will be in shambles, he'll finally notice that his dad is dead, and he made a fool of himself by marrying someone he doesn't really love, and he'll have no place to go. Is that what you want?
Meredith: That's exactly what I want. [rolls eyes]
Alex: [to Izzie] Look who found some clothes.
Izzie: Shut it.
George: [to Meredith] How you doin?
Meredith: Okay, everybody? Let's just do this once: I'm fine. She's cremated. I picked out a beautiful urn and she's hanging out in the back of my closet. Any more questions about my dead mother, or can we get back to work?

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
George: I need you to get over yourself. I need you to start liking my wife. I need you to like her because sometimes I don't and I need you to talk me back into it. You say you're my friend and that's the job.
Izzie: Okay.
George: I need to vent, and I need it to be okay.
Izzie: Okay.
George: And I need to vent with alcohol. [Izzie gets glasses, then goes to pour them a drink, George stops her] I got married and I'm scared that it was a bad idea.
Izzie : [sighs]: Nobody ever got married and didn't think that at least once.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
[Izzie walks up to large crowd, including Meredith, Cristina, and George]
Izzie: You guys seen Bailey? [pause] What are we doing?
George: Uh, checking out the new chief candidate.
Meredith: Chief sent in the ringer. We're lurking in a way that was subtle when there was two of us, but isn't now that it's 12.
Cristina: I heard it was someone from Stanford. All the professors there loved me.
Alex: They loved you?
Cristina: I was a great student.
Burke: How you doin', Grey?
Meredith: Oh, I'm fine, sir, thank you.
Cristina: Move, move, move. [pushes Burke]
George: She doesn't like it when people ask.
Cristina: The ringer's in there with the Chief.
Izzie: Yeah, and whoever it is loves Cristina, because everyone at Stanford just loved Cristina.
Cristina: Shut up.
Burke: She's a motivated student. It's nothing to be ashamed of.
Cristina: Thank you.
Burke: A bit of a kiss-ass, but that's hard to control.
George: Look, they're coming out.
Burke: That's Colin Marlowe.
Alex: Like the Marlowe transplant?
Burke: Like the greatest thing in cardiothoracic surgery in a generation. Dr. Marlowe. I'm Preston Burke. I'm a great admirer of your work, sir. Particularly the...
Colin: Yes, thank you...Would you excuse me for just a second?
[walks over to Cristina, group of interns backs away]
Colin: Well, you going to give me a hug or what?
[hugs Cristina, and squeezes her ass]

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Meredith: [voiceover] What's worse, new wounds which are so horribly painful or old wounds that should've healed years ago and never did? Maybe our old wounds teach us something. They remind us where we've been and what we've overcome. They teach us lessons about what to avoid in the future. That's what we like to think. But that's not the way it is, is it? Some things we just have to learn over and over and over again.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Meredith: [voiceover] Surgeons always have a plan. Where to cut, where to clamp, where to stitch. But, even with the best plans complications can arise, things can go wrong. And suddenly, you're caught with your pants down.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Izzie: Hours. Hours of out life that are all I can think about and you seriously can't remember?
George: Look, Izzie, I was drunk!. Whatever I did, whatever I said, I'm sure I didn't mean it.
Izzie: Yes George, you meant it. You meant it a lot. You meant it more than once.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Izzie: What she was afraid of was that you were taking on so much of her disease that you were freezing up too. You've spent so much time planning and helping her progress, God knows that's what you should've been doing, but she was worried. You have a healthy body Nina, if you fall down you won't turn to stone. And your mom so wanted you to just let yourself fall. Messing up, it's what makes a person, it's how we learn, where we find joy. And the things you don't plan for, are the things you never see coming.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Izzie: OK it happened, it was a mistake and it happened. People make mistakes. We need to figure out where we go from here we need to figure out how we tell Callie.
George: I'm not going to tell Callie. Do you know how much this would hurt her? I'm not going to clear my conscience at her expense. She has done nothing but support me and encourage me and believe in me and this is how I pay her back. I have to live with what I did. This is our secret. OK?
Izzie: OK

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Meredith: [voiceover] The thing about plans is they don't take into account the unexpected, so when we're thrown a curve ball, whether its in the OR or in life, we have to improvise. Of course, some of us are better at it than others. Some of us just have to move on to plan B and make the best of it. And sometimes what we want is exactly what we need. But sometimes, sometimes what we need is a new plan.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Meredith: [voiceover] A patient's history is as important as their symptoms. It's what helps us decide if heart burn's a heart attack... if a head ache's a tumor. Sometimes patients will try to re-write their own histories. They'll claim they don't smoke, or forget to mention certain drugs... which in surgery can be the kiss of death. We can ignore it all we want, but our history eventually always comes back to haunt us.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Derek: You warned me she could become a problem.
Bailey: Who, Meredith?
Derek: You know when you love somebody, you think you can handle it all?
Bailey: You’ve done alright, both of you.
Derek: I came here to be chief, but Meredith complicates that.
Bailey: Huh. Well if this turns into an “either or,” you pick the person you love. End of story. Look, all of this means nothing if you’re alone.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Izzie: [to George] You don't have to keep avoiding me.
George: Yeah I do, until this thing blows over, I do. [to people in the clinic] Javier Jugerreo? Javier Jugerreo?
Izzie: Blows over? What does that even mean?
George: When Meredith and I uh, eventually it blew over, the past.
Izzie: You mean the sad sex? The sad, tragic, depression-inducing sex you had with Meredith is the same as what we-
George: I can't. Back off. Just for now...back off.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Cristina: [to Meredith about Marlow] I need to force him into the defensive...Take his queen. [Meredith gives her a skeptical look] You've never played chess?
Meredith: I'm not a geek!
Cristina: I've gotta crush him. Annihilate him at his own game.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Meredith: [voiceover] Some people believe that without history, our lives amount to nothing. At some point we all have to choose: do we fall back on what we know, or do we step forward to something new? It's hard not to be haunted by our past. Our history is what shapes us... what guides us. Our history resurfaces time after time after time. So we have to remember sometimes the most important history is the history we’re making today.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Bailey: I know I said you two could use the day to study but we got an all hands on deck situation.
Cristina: A bad car accident?
Meredith: Multiple gunshot wounds?
Bailey: A penis. The chairman of the board's penis. His testicles are swollen, which is the understatement of the year.
Cristina: Fantastic! How much? No, uh, you know what? Don't tell me. Let it be a surprise.
Bailey: Look, you and Grey can take him for his ultrasound and his x-ray.
Cristina: The VIPenis.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Meredith: Talk about divine retribution.
Izzie: What?
Meredith: He sleeps with his assistant, a carnivorous fish lodges itself in his penis, that's instant karma if I ever seen it.
Cristina: Well, Derek wasn't struck by lightning and neither were you.
Meredith: Addison showed up, I had months of pain and self-loathing, crazy ranting mother and near drowning off the side of the dock. I mean, it's no fish in my hoo-hoo, but it's certainly not an easy ride.
Cristina: You know I cheated on my boyfriends and I'm fine. I mean am I the only one?

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Meredith: See now you can't do that!
Derek: Do what?
Meredith: Not look happy after sex. It's bad for the ego.
Derek: I'm fine.
Meredith: Are we fine?
Derek: Sure
Meredith: Not so convincing. I shouldn't have accused you of hovering. It wasn't nice, you were just trying to be there for me. But now I'm being available, and communicating, and getting naked, and doing all of your favorite things.
Derek: Good things.
Meredith: Then why are you still staring at the ceiling?
Derek: I don't know, it's just, that day, you came out of the water. I spent the scariest hour of my life, trying to breathe for you. I love you, and I want you, but I don't know what didn't swim. You didn't swim and you know how to. And I don't know if I can... I don't know if I wanna keep trying to breathe for you.
Meredith: I should go. I'll go.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Meredith: [voiceover] Too often, the thing you want most is the one thing you can’t have. Desire leaves us heartbroken, it wears us out. Desire can wreck your life. And as tough as wanting something can be, the people who suffer the most are those who don’t know what they want.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Meredith: [voiceover]: The dream is this - that we'll finally be happy when we reach our goals: find the guy, finish our internship, that's the dream. Then we get there. And if we're human, we immediately start dreaming of something else. Because, if this is the dream, then we'd like to wake up. Now, please!

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Callie: Oh, hi.
Cristina: Hello.
Callie: Some one have bones that need resetting?
Cristina: [mumbles something]
Callie: Excuse me?
Cristina[forced]: Bridesmaids... my mother and Burke's mother have been talking on the phone and now, they are here, with me.
Cristina's mom: To plan the wedding.
Burke's mom: Cristina led us to believe that you´re friends.
[Callie laughs but quickly realizes that they are serious]
Callie: ...Okay, I guess.
[Cristina's mom goes to measure under Callie's arms with a tape measure]
Callie: Oh wow. Wait
[Cristina laughs]
Callie: What are you...are you? You're actually asking me...
Cristina: To be my bridesmaid, yeah.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Meredith: When I drowned, it was different for you than it was for me. Something happened to me, and I really don't know how to explain it without sounding like...I just feel different - I wanna be better at everything, and I wanna let you in. I swear.
Derek: Did you practice that?
[Both laugh]
Meredith: With hand gestures, but I dropped those. Just, now is not the time to give up on me, okay? That's what I'm saying.
Derek: Okay.
Meredith: Okay?
Derek: Yes.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Addison: You work with your ex-husband in a shrine for your ex-husband.
Naomi: It's actually a good book. And we're friends. And we stayed friends after we divorced. It's very healthy. We're healthy.
Addison: What happened between you and Sam?
Naomi: Addison – you and I were close in med school, but it was a long time ago.
Addison: Oh, Naomi. Come on, you can't stay mad at me forever. I know you.
Naomi: You got fat.
Addison: I did not!
Naomi: Your hair is hideous.
Addison: It is not!
Naomi: And you're getting really, really ugly.
Addison: Aww. I missed you too.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Callie: Okay. I rescheduled an ACL repair, but I wanna be clear: I will not be wearing pink or baby blue. I do not do flowers in my hair. And I will never be seen with a bow on my ass, okay?
Cristina: See? She's got the right attitude.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
[Addison slaps Sam's head]
Sam: Ow!
Addison: Idiot. You divorced Naomi?
Sam: Just mind your own business.
Addison: [slaps Sam's head again]
Sam: Ouch!
Addison: Moron. She's my best friend.
Sam: Stop hitting me on top of my head.
Addison: Did you cheat? [goes in to hit Sam again]
Sam: Okay. [catches her hand] Two things I learned back in kindergarten. One – keep your hands to yourself. Two – he who smelt it, dealt it.
Addison: That makes no sense.
Sam: Yeah. Well, you cheated. Tou cheated on your husband with his best friend. There. Smelt it, dealt it. It works.
Addison: You're using fart logic!
Sam: Hey, you want details, go see Naomi.
Addison: She won't talk about it.
Sam: Ah. Then you get no details.
Addison: I'm on her side, you know that?
Sam: That's why you get no details.
Addison: [puts her fists on the desk] Details!
Sam: Woman, be quiet.
[Both grin]
Addison: I missed you.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Naomi: There is no fertility potential here.
Addison: [laughs sarcastically] Ah. Okay, this is good. This is, um, this is just... perfect.
Naomi: Addison.
Addison: I have a great guy, I don't have a baby, because I'm focusing on my career. Then I have the other guy and I don't have his baby because he's not the great guy. And now I don't have the great guy or the other guy and I'm finally ready to have a baby but I can't. That is so exactly what my life is.
Naomi: Addie, there are other options.
Addison: Yeah, I know about the options.
Naomi: I'm so sorry. I know how much you wanted this.
Addison: It's okay. I just, um, I just didn't realize that I was out of time.

TV Show: Grey's Anatomy