Gundam Seed Quote

Athrun Zala: We cannot allow ourselves to exchange blows base on just anger and hatred alone. If we were to exchange blows for those reasons alone, the world will once again become a pointless battlefield! I beg of you... Please don't let that happen!
Gilbert Durandal: Alex...
Athrun Zala: My name... my name is Athrun Zala. I am the son of Patrick Zala, the man who fanned the flames of war and poisoned the whole world with his hatred. I believed what my father said. I fought in the war, I killed the enemy, I fought my best friend... and even when I realized how wrong he was, I couldn't stop him and I lost everything.
Gilbert Durandal: Athrun.
Athrun Zala: There's no way I can let this happen again!

TV Show: Gundam Seed


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