Hell's Kitchen Quote

Gordon: (to Tom) This order here is 7: 35. Hello? Hey listen. Stop! Come here you idiot! Now I've (bleep) had enough! What I'm trying to tell you in your (bleep) eyeballs that the quail in the spaghetti now and you're putting the quail in.
Tom: No, I have the one's there.
Gordon: THAT'S FOR THAT (bleep) ORDER THERE!!! (pounds the counter which shakes the entire restaurant.) You're not bothered are you? It doesn't hurt, does it?
Tom: No it does. I can't yell. I can't cry. All I have to do is do it. (Tom's meat pan catches fire.)
Gordon: Oh my god. (Tom blows on the fire and it gets bigger) THE DUCK'S BURNED!! YOU'RE COOKING IN A BURNT PAN YOU (bleep bleep)!! Oh my god! Leave it! Leave it! LEAVE IT!! Just (bleep) leave it! (places the pan off the burner) You're going to blow fire in your face you (bleep) donkey!! Keith.
Keith: Yes chef.
Gordon: Get on the meat section and stand next to him and don't let him cook a (bleep) thing! And you, open those big eyes and watch what the (bleep) this guy is doing.
Tom: Yes chef.
Gordon: Shut it and watch!
Tom: Yes chef.
Gordon: Shut it!!

TV Show: Hell's Kitchen


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