Hell's Kitchen Quote

Gordon: Let's go, two salmon, one turbot.
Sara: Heather?
Heather: What?
Sara: Is there any salmon left in the house?
Gordon: What's going on? What's going on?
Sara: Chef, I--
Gordon: What? Come here you! Tell me! I'm the (bleep) chef!!
Sara: Yes chef. I don't have enough salmon to get through the night.
Gordon: You're not serious, are you?
Sara: I am serious chef.
Gordon: Hey, I'd (bleep) off and go and buy some if I were you.
Sara: Can I subsitute using turbot?
Gordon: Why don't you check with the Matire'd? Can we serve turbot instead of salmon?
Jean-Phillippe: On which table?
Gordon: Table 20. Please? Thank you. (to Sara) Hey you, (bleep) off will ya? You useless cow.
Sara: Turbot's in here. Sorry chef.
Gordon: You know missy, you're finished aren't you?
Sara: No chef, come on!
Gordon: Hey what do you mean come on? I want you to come on! I want you to wake up!
Sara: Chef, I told you and they're resolving it now and all I can do is give you the turbot. I have the salmon in the fridge and there's only 2!
Gordon: That's right! And whose (bleep) fault was it?! Don't get (bleep) upset with me in my (bleep) kitchen when you're standing there sulking because you (bleep) the salmon!
Sara: I'm not sulking chef.
Gordon: Yeah, you're finished. Heather, get on the fish please and do something for her yeah?
Sara: No chef.
Gordon: So wake up and get it back together!
Sara: I don't need to be replaced chef!
Gordon: Then tell her then.
Sara: I don't need to be replaced.
Gordon: There you go.
Sara: (interview) I screwed up one (bleep) table with

TV Show: Hell's Kitchen


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