Heroes Quote
Nathan: (giving a speech to a crowd of reporters in Texas) Good afternoon. Most of you have no idea who I am. My name is Nathan Petrelli and I was elected to Congress in the state of New York. It seems like a long time ago. I lost my position. I lost my brother. I lost my family. I'm sad to say that I lost my way. But while I was gone, I've had the chance to see the world through newly-humbled eyes. Witnessed amazing things, seen ordinary people among us trying their best each day to be heroes. These ordinary people... like you, like me, are capable of extraordinary things. You have no idea... how extraordinary. But there are other people; organizations who don't want you to know the truth. I myself kept secrets. But last year, something incredible happened to me... and it changed my life. At first, I was afraid. But I'm... I'm not afraid anymore. I'm here to tell you the truth. I have the abili-- (shots ring out; Nathan is hit twice in the chest and collapses)
TV Show: Heroes