Histeria! Quote

[Throughout this coversation, mosquitoes continually bite the characters.]
Toast: Mr. President-dude! Ow! Thanks for coming and stuff.
Theodore Roosevelt: Ow! Dee-lighted! What's wrong here, friend? Ow!
Toast: Well - dang! - for starters, just look! Ow! Mondo disease! The canal-digging is slowing down because everyone's getting sick - ow - with malaria and yellow fever! Ow!
Theodore Roosevelt: Hmmm... ow! The same two blasted diseases that crippled the French when they were digging the canal! Ow!
Toast: Ow! Whaddaya think - ow! - is causing it? Ow!
Theodore Roosevelt: Ow! I don't know. Ow!
Toast: Could it be - ohw! - the food?
Theodore Roosevelt: Ow! I don't think so.
Toast: Humidity? Goh!
Theodore Roosevelt: Ow! Doubtful. Ohw!
Toast: Ow! Tight pants?
Theodore Roosevelt: Nuh-uh. Ouch!
Toast: Bean-bag babies? Ow!
Theodore Roosevelt: Ow! Not likely.
Toast: Smell of gin?
Theodore Roosevelt: Who?
Toast: Never mind. Ow!
Theodore Roosevelt: Ow!
Toast: Those little bobbing-head dolls?
Theodore Roosevelt: Ow! Nope.
Toast: Too much - ow! - pocket change?
Theodore Roosevelt: Yeow! I don't think so.
Toast: Tapioca pudding? Ouch!
Theodore Roosevelt: Hey, maybe... naw. Ow!
Toast: Ow! Anything starting with the letter Q? Ow!
Theodore Roosevelt: No! Ow!
Toast: Spanish peanuts? Owh!
Theodore Roosevelt: No! Oww!
Toast: Aliens from Mars wearing golf shoes and lipstick?
Theodore Roosevelt: No, no, and you need help. Ow! Well, whatever it is, it's making the men sick. These pesky mosquitoes sure are driving me crazy!

TV Show: Histeria!


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