Home Movies Quote

Lynch: Brendon...
Brendon: Yeah?
Lynch: Do you feel like you get easily distracted? Let me put this another way: You get easily distracted. Did you know that?
Brendon: Well, let me ask you something. Do you know how hot dogs are made?
Lynch: Hmm...I think we're going to have to find a way to get you to focus.
Brendon: On what?
Lynch: On what? On what do you think?
Brendon: On what do I think?
Lynch: Yes.
Brendon: Yes, as in correct?
Lynch: Yes, as in correct! Now, what do you think is what you should focus on?
Brendon: Yes, as in correct on what do I think is what I should focus on?
Lynch: Mm-hmm.
Brendon: On those grades of mine?
Lynch: Yes, as in correct, but I think the problem here is that you have a hard time paying attention.
Brendon: On that, What I think is yes, as in correct.

TV Show: Home Movies


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