Home Movies Quote

Andrew: How's the documentary?
Brendon: Good.
AndrewHow's Cynthia?
Brendon: Hates me.
Andrew: Good, everything seems to be in order then.
Brendon: Actually, the way I had it originally planned is that she would like me instead of hate. I somehow mixed it up.
Andrew Ah.
Brendon: Yeah.
Andrew: You accidentally made her hate you instead of like you?
Brendon: Yes I must have mixed something up.
Andrew: Hmm, sometimes that happens, a classic problem. Did you uh, try too hard around her?
Brendon: Yes, I tried very hard, I tried very, very hard.
Andrew: It didn’t work? Have you been acting weird around her?
Brendon: Yes!
Andrew: Unnatural? Did you try acting unnaturally?
Brendon: Yes! I rehearsed.
Andrew: Right. Did you blurt stuff out you didn’t mean?
Brendon: Yes! I figured, I’m gonna make myself more memorable.
Andrew: Mmhmm, right. So she’s never seen you relaxed?
Brendon: No, she’s never seen me-No. And she still hates me!
Andrew: Hmm, well have you told her how you feel about her?
Brendon: Hahahahaha, that’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.

TV Show: Home Movies


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