I Love Melvin Quote

Judy: They want me to marry Harry Flack!
Melvin: Judy, you can't! I - I love you, Judy!
Judy: Shh...Melvin...
Melvin: You're not gonna do it, are you?
Judy: Well, you see...
Melvin: Because if you do it, I'll be very frank about this, Judy. If you do it, I'll kill myself!
Judy: Melvin! Stop it!
Melvin: I mean it! Judy, you know how I feel! I'd do anything for you! I'd rob a bank, I'd take a rocket to the moon, anything! Just ask me!
Judy: Put me on the cover! My picture, on the cover of the magazine!
Melvin: Judy, I said I'd kill myself or take a rocket to the moon, but don't ask the impossible!

Movie: I Love Melvin


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