Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Quote

Principal SS Officer at Castle: You have the diary in your pocket.
Professor Henry Jones: You dolt. You think my son would be that stupid; he would bring my diary all the way back here? [pause]
Professor Henry Jones: You didn't, did you? [another pause]
Professor Henry Jones: You didn't bring it, did you?
Indiana Jones: Well, uh...
Professor Henry Jones: You did.
Indiana Jones: Look, can we discuss this later?
Professor Henry Jones: I should have mailed it to the Marx Brothers.
Indiana Jones: Will you take it easy?
Professor Henry Jones: Take it easy? Why do you think I sent it home in the first place? So it wouldn't fall into their hands.
Indiana Jones: I came here to save you.
Professor Henry Jones: Oh, yeah? And who's gonna come to save you, Junior?
Indiana Jones: [shouts] I told you... [grabs a gun and shoots all soldiers dead]
Indiana Jones: ...Don't call me Junior.
Professor Henry Jones: Look what you did. I can't *believe* what you did.

Movie: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade


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