Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Quote

[ Vogel is holding Elsa hostage at gunpoint ]
Colonel Vogel : Throw down the gun or the girl will die.
Professor Henry Jones : But she's one of them.
Elsa : Indy, please!
Professor Henry Jones : She's a Nazi.
Indiana Jones : What?
Professor Henry Jones : Trust me.
Elsa : Indy, help!
Colonel Vogel : I will kill her!
Professor Henry Jones : Oh yeah? Go ahead.
Indiana Jones : No! Don't shoot!
Professor Henry Jones : Don't worry. He won't.
Elsa : Indy, please do what he says!
Professor Henry Jones : And don't listen to her.
Colonel Vogel : Enough! She dies!
Indiana Jones : Wait! Wait. [ Indy tosses over the gun. Vogel lets Elsa go and she runs right into Indy's arms ]
Elsa : I'm sorry.
Indiana Jones : Don't be. [ Elsa takes the grail diary from Indy's pocket, smiles, then hands it to Vogel ]
Elsa : But you should have listened to your father.

Movie: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade


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