Inherent Vice Quote

Doc Sportello: You know I, uh, I think I saw old Japonica the other day at my doctor's office... You ever run into a dentist named Rudy Blatnoyd?
Crocker Fenway: The son of a bitch who until recently was corrupting my daughter? Yes, I do seem to recall the name. He perished in a trampoline accident, didn't he?
Doc Sportello: The LAPD's not sure it was an accident.
Crocker Fenway: And you'd like to know if I did it? What possible motive would I have? Just because the man preyed on an emotionally vulnerable child, forced her to engage in sexual practices that might appall even a sophisticate like yourself - does that mean I'd have any reason to see his miserable pedophile career come to an end? What a vindictive person you must imagine me.
Doc Sportello: Hmmm, I - I did suspect he was fucking his receptionist but, what dentist doesn't. It's an oath they all take in dentist school, and anyhow that's a long way from strange and weird sex. Isn't it?
Crocker Fenway: How about when he forced my little girl to listen to original cast albums of Broadway musicals while he had his way with her? Or the - tastelessness of the - decor of - resort hotel rooms he took her to during endodontist conventions? The wallpaper... The lamps!
Doc Sportello: Uh... Japonica is of legal age now, isn't she?
Crocker Fenway: In a father's eye, they're always too young.

Movie: Inherent Vice


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