Inherent Vice Quotes

Japonica Fenway: Are you The Great Beast?
Dr. Rudy Blatnoyd, D.D.S.: No that's a policeman.

Movie: Inherent Vice
SortilÞge: [from trailer][when the end of the trailer displays the word December]
SortilÞge: Coming just in time for Christmas.

Movie: Inherent Vice
Doc Sportello: So, what've you been up to?
Japonica Fenway: Escaping, mostly, and I escape real good.

Movie: Inherent Vice
Sloane Wolfmann: Do you like the lighting?
Doc Sportello: Uh-huh.

Movie: Inherent Vice
SortilÞge: [Narrating]Doc ran through all the things he hadn't asked Shasta. Like how much she'd come to depend on Wolfmann's guaranteed level of ease and power? And least askable of all, how passionately did she really feel about old Mickey? Doc knew the likely reply, I love him, what else? With the unspoken footnote that the word these days was being way too overused.

Movie: Inherent Vice
Michael Z. Wolfmann: I spent my whole life... I spent my whole life making people pay for shelter and all along I didn't realise... I didn't realise it was supposed to be for free. For free.

Movie: Inherent Vice
Hope Harlingen: I had just run into this bathroom stall without checking first, and I already had my finger down my throat to vomit up this big balloon of dope I had just scored, and there Coy sat, gringo digestion, about to take this giant shit. And we both let go at the same time, and there's just vomit and shit all over the place, and- put my head in his lap, and to complicate things, he had this hard-on.
Doc Sportello: Sure.
Hope Harlingen: One thing leads to another, and we pretty much started shooting up together on a regular basis.

Movie: Inherent Vice
Doc Sportello: You know I, uh, I think I saw old Japonica the other day at my doctor's office... You ever run into a dentist named Rudy Blatnoyd?
Crocker Fenway: The son of a bitch who until recently was corrupting my daughter? Yes, I do seem to recall the name. He perished in a trampoline accident, didn't he?
Doc Sportello: The LAPD's not sure it was an accident.
Crocker Fenway: And you'd like to know if I did it? What possible motive would I have? Just because the man preyed on an emotionally vulnerable child, forced her to engage in sexual practices that might appall even a sophisticate like yourself - does that mean I'd have any reason to see his miserable pedophile career come to an end? What a vindictive person you must imagine me.
Doc Sportello: Hmmm, I - I did suspect he was fucking his receptionist but, what dentist doesn't. It's an oath they all take in dentist school, and anyhow that's a long way from strange and weird sex. Isn't it?
Crocker Fenway: How about when he forced my little girl to listen to original cast albums of Broadway musicals while he had his way with her? Or the - tastelessness of the - decor of - resort hotel rooms he took her to during endodontist conventions? The wallpaper... The lamps!
Doc Sportello: Uh... Japonica is of legal age now, isn't she?
Crocker Fenway: In a father's eye, they're always too young.

Movie: Inherent Vice
Lt. Det. Christian F. Bigfoot Bjornsen: You smell like a patchouli fart!

Movie: Inherent Vice
SortilÞge: [Narrating, after Bigfoot drops Sportello off and leaves in a hurry]Pssst. Doper's ESP, Doc... doper's ESP... ohhhhh, no, Bigfoot, you motherfucker! Okay, Doc, you have what looks to be a 20-kilo inconvenience in your trunk.

Movie: Inherent Vice