Interstellar Quotes

Cooper: Oh we are not prepared for this. We have the survival skills of a Boy Scout troop!
Brand: Well we got this far on our brains, further than any human in history.
Cooper: Well not far enough! And now we're stuck *here*, until there won't be anyone on Earth left to save!
Brand: I'm counting every minute, same as you, Cooper.

Movie: Interstellar
Cooper: It's hard leaving everything... my kids, your father...
Brand: [cutting him off]We're gonna be spending a lot of time together...
Cooper: We should learn to talk.
Brand: And when not to. Just being honest.
Cooper: I don't think you need to be *that* honest.

Movie: Interstellar
Young Murph: What are you gonna do with it?
Cooper: I'm going to give it something socially responsible to do. Like drive a combine.
Young Murph: Can't we just let it go? It wasn't hurting anybody.
Cooper: This thing needs to learn how to adapt, Murph. Like the rest of us.

Movie: Interstellar
[comforting his daughter] Cooper: I love you, forever. You hear me? I love you forever. And I'm coming back. I'm coming back.

Movie: Interstellar
TARS: I wouldn't leave you behind... Dr. Brand.

Movie: Interstellar
Brand: Time is relative, okay? It can stretch and it can squeeze, but... it can't run backwards. Just can't. The only thing that can move across dimensions, like time, is gravity.

Movie: Interstellar
Cooper: You'd do this for us?
TARS: Before you get all teary, try to remember that as a robot, I have to do anything you say.
Cooper: Your cue light's broken.
TARS: I'm not joking. *Flashes cue light*

Movie: Interstellar
Donald: Popcorn at a ball game is unnatural. I want a hot dog.

Movie: Interstellar
Cooper: We're still pioneers, we barely begun. Our greatest accomplishments cannot be behind us, cause our destiny lies above us.

Movie: Interstellar
Brand: Couldn't you've told her you were going to save the world?
Cooper: No. When you become a parent, one thing becomes really clear. And that's that you want to make sure your children feel safe. And that rules out telling a 10-year old that the world's ending.

Movie: Interstellar
Brand: Maybe we've spent too long trying to figure all this out with theory.
Cooper: You're a scientist, Brand.
Brand: So listen to me, when I say that love is not something we invented. It's observable, powerful. It has to mean something.
Cooper: Love has meaning, yes. Social utility, social bonding, child rearing...
Brand: We love people who've died. Where's the social utility in that?
Cooper: None.

Movie: Interstellar
Cooper: After you kids came along, your mom, she said something to me I never quite understood. She said, Now, we're just here to be memories for our kids. I think now I understand what she meant. Once you're a parent, you're the ghost of your children's future.

Movie: Interstellar
TARS: Cooper, they didn't bring us here to change the past.
Cooper: Say that again.
TARS: They didn't bring us here to change the past.
Cooper: [realizing]But they didn't bring us here at all. We brought ourselves. TARS, give me the coordinates for NASA, in binary.
TARS: In binary, roger, feeding data. [Cooper creates the binary lines in the dust on Murphy's bedroom floor]
Murph: It's not a ghost... it's gravity.
Cooper: Don't you get it yet, TARS? I brought myself here! We're here to communicate with the three-dimensional world! We're the bridge! I thought they chose me. But they didn't choose me, they chose her!
TARS: For what, Cooper?
Cooper: To save the world! All of this, is one little girl's bedroom, every moment! It's infinitely complex! They have access, to infinite time and space, but they're not *bound* by anything! They can't find a specific place *in* time, they can't communicate. That's why I'm here. I'm gonna find a way to tell Murph, just like I found this moment.
TARS: How, Cooper?
Cooper: Love, TARS, love. It's just like Brand said. My connection with Murph, it is quantifiable. It's the key!
TARS: What are we here to do?
Cooper: Find how to tell her... The watch... The watch. That's it. We code the data into the movement of the second hand. TARS, translate the data into Morse and feed it to me.
TARS: Translating data to Morse. Cooper, what if she never came back for it?
Cooper: She will. She will.
Getty: [watching for Tom]Murph I can see his car! He's coming, Murph!
Murph: Okay. I'm coming down!
TARS: How do you know?
Cooper: Because I gave it to her.
Murph: [rushing downstairs with the watch]He came back! It was him! All th

Movie: Interstellar
Dr. Mann: You're feeling it, aren't you? The survival instinct. That's what drove me. It's what drives all of us. And it's what's gonna save us. Cause I'm gonna save all of us. For you, Cooper.

Movie: Interstellar
Principal: We didn't run out of planes and television sets. We ran out of food.

Movie: Interstellar
Cooper: Well, this little maneuver's gonna cost us 51 years!
Brand: You don't sound so bad for a man pushing 120!

Movie: Interstellar
Cooper: We wanna get down fast, don't we?
Brand: Actually we want to get there in one piece.
Cooper: Hang on.

Movie: Interstellar
Young Murph: Dad?
Cooper: Sorry, Murph. Go back to bed.
Young Murph: I thought you were the ghost.
Cooper: There are no such things as ghosts, babe.
Young Murph: Grandpa says you can get ghosts.
Cooper: Maybe that's because Grandpa is a little too close to being one himself. Go back to bed.

Movie: Interstellar
Cooper: I'm coming back...
Young Murph: [crying]When?

Movie: Interstellar
Dr. Mann: Don't judge me, Cooper. You were never tested like I was. Few men have been.

Movie: Interstellar
Brand: I'm not gonna make it!
Cooper: Yes you are, yes you are!

Movie: Interstellar
Donald: In my day we had real ball players. Who are these bums?

Movie: Interstellar
Cooper: Look, I'm glad you're excited about gravity, bud, but you're not getting anymore answers until I get assurances.
Williams: Assurances?
Cooper: [Covers Murph's ears]Yeah. Like that we're getting out of here. And I don't mean in the trunk of some car.

Movie: Interstellar
Cooper: [Cooper sits to watch the video messages left for him over the years]Cooper.
Computer: Messages span twenty-three years.
Cooper: Play from the beginning. [message from Tom starts playing]
Young Tom: Hey, Dad. Checkin' in, sayin' hi. Um... finished second in school, Miss Carlin's still giving me Cs though. Pulled me down, but second's not bad. Grandpa attended the ceremony. Um... oh, I met another girl, dad. I, uh... I really think this is the one. Her name is Lois. That's her right there. [Tom holds up a photo of Lois, Cooper, overwhelmed with emotion, begins weeping]
Young Tom: Murphy stole grandpa's car. She crashed it, she's okay though.
Tom: [we see another message from Tom showing him as an adult]Hey, Dad. Look at this! [Tom holds up his baby next to him]
Tom: You're a grandpa. His name's Jesse. I kind of wanted to call him Coop, but, Lois says maybe next time.
Lois: [to Jesse]Say bye-bye Grandpa. Bye-bye Grandpa.
Tom: [Cooper continues to watch his messages, the next one shows Tom looking despondent]Sorry it's been a while. Just... what with Jesse and all. Uh... grandpa died last week. We buried him out in the back plot next to mom and... Jesse. Just where we would've buried you if you'd ever... come back. Murph was there at the funeral. We don't see her that much, but she came for that.
Tom: [Tom hesitates]You're not listening to this, I know that. All these messages are just... drifting out there in the darkness. Lois says that, uh... I have to let you go. And, uh... so, I guess... I'm letting you go. I don't know where you are, Dad. But I hope that wherever you are you're at peace. Goodbye. [Tom turns off the camera, Cooper touches the screen not wanting to let go when suddenly a message from a now adult Murph comes up]

Movie: Interstellar
CASE: Cooper, this is no time for caution.

Movie: Interstellar
Romilly: Of all these anomalies, the most significant is this: out near Saturn, a disturbance of space-time.
Cooper: It's a wormhole?
Romilly: Appeared 48 years ago.
Cooper: And, it leads where?
Dr. Brand: Another galaxy.
Cooper: A wormhole's not a naturally occurring phenomenon...
Brand: Someone placed it there.
Cooper: They.
Brand: And whoever they are, they appear to be looking out for us. That wormhole, lets us travel to other stars. Came along right as we needed it.
Doyle: They've put potentially habitable worlds right within our reach. Twelve, in fact, from our initial probes.
Cooper: You send probes into that?
Doyle: Mm-hm.
Dr. Brand: We sent *people* into it. Ten years ago.
Cooper: The Lazarus missions.
Dr. Brand: Twelve possible worlds, twelve Ranger launches, carrying the bravest humans ever to live. Led by the remarkable Dr. Mann.
Doyle: Each person's landing pod had enough life support for two years, but they could use hibernation to stretch that, making observations on organics over a decade or more. Their mission was to assess their world, and if it showed potential, then they could send out a signal, bed down for the long nap, wait to be rescued.
Cooper: And what if the world didn't show promise?
Doyle: Hence the bravery.

Movie: Interstellar
Murph: How'd it go?
Cooper: I got you suspended.

Movie: Interstellar
[Cooper is sitting at a parent/teacher meeting with the principal and one of Murph's teachers who wants to punish Murph for believing in the Apollo mission to the moon] Ms. Kelly: Murph got into a fistfight with several of her classmates over this Apollo nonsense. So we thought it would be best to bring you in and see what ideas you might have for dealing with her behavior on the home front.
Cooper: Alright, yeah, you know what? There's a game tomorrow night. She's going through a bit of a baseball phase. Her favorite team's playing, There's gonna be candy and soda... [smiles]
Cooper: I think I'll take her to that. [cut to Cooper walking back to his truck, quietly whistling]
Young Murph: How'd it go?
Cooper: [awkwardly]I got you suspended.

Movie: Interstellar
Murph: Hey Dad.
Cooper: Hey, Murph.
Murph: You son of a bitch. I never made one of these when you were still responding because I was so mad at you for leaving. And then when you went quiet, it felt like I should live with that decision, and I have. But today is my birthday. And it's a special one, because you told me... you once told me that when you come back we might be the same age. And today I'm the same age you were when you left. [she begins to cry]
Murph: So it would be a real good time for you to come back. [Murph wipes the tears from her eyes and ends the message]

Movie: Interstellar
Cooper: Get the patch kit.
Young Tom: How am I supposed to patch it?
Cooper: Figure it out. I'm not always gonna be here to help you.

Movie: Interstellar