It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Quote

Frank: Oh no, I'm going out, I'm going guns blazing!
Rickety Cricket: Rise up! Gonna get higher and higher!
Mac: Rickety Cricket! Lookin' good bro'.
Rickety Cricket: Thanks I'm almost done!
Charlie & Dee: Ram bop bop bop bop bopp bopa bopa boppa ba!
Frank: How you guys doin?
Charlie & Dee: Oh were doing fine fantastic. Absolutely! Hey check it out we got all the cocaine.
Mac: Well ok but we got bigger problems, me and Dennis just pissed off the Don's wife because we wouldn't bang her so we just need to be prepared for anything.
Dee: Oooh I tell you what I will get my gun. [Pulls out handgun]
Charlie: Whoa where'd you get a gun?
Dee: Ooh went back to Bingo.
Charlie: Oh really well you should've told me because I've been carrying this thing around all day. [Pulls out gun]
Mac: Guys guys guys we don't need to use guns!
Dee: I'm gonna hide this in my shoe so I can pretend I'm tying my shoe and reach for it!
Frank: And then I'll reach for some cigarettes and when I ask for a light, we come out blastin'!

TV Show: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia


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