Jake Speed Quotes

Jake Speed: Sometimes you do things the hard way.
Margaret Winston: Why?
Jake Speed: Reads better.

Movie: Jake Speed
Jake Speed: Evil may triumph, Sid, but it'll never conquer.

Movie: Jake Speed
Margaret Winston: What if you sold me to the wrong guys?
Jake Speed: That would make a piss-poor story, wouldn't it?

Movie: Jake Speed
Newsstand Attendant: [while helping customers] Sure he's real. Everybody knows that. In fact, I play cards with him every Thursday night. Me, Jake Speed, Batman -- thanks -- oh, Sherlock Holmes and, once in a while, Superman stops in.

Movie: Jake Speed
Wendy: Even weirdos can read!

Movie: Jake Speed
Wendy: Maybe it's a blessing. At least your grandfather believes in somebody. Speedy Jake. Remero. Whatever. Who are our heroes?
Margaret Winston: Nobody.

Movie: Jake Speed