Jericho Quote

Constantino: I want you to tell me who your friend is and where I can find him. Things are gonna get very bad for you and your brother if you don't help us, Jake.
Jake: Why would I want to help you?
Constantino: This is what I know is that you, your friend, and your brother were caught attempting to sabotage this town's sole means of manufacturing.
Jake: You were manufacturing weapons. You were-
Constantino: So I'm gonna repeat the question -- Where is your friend?
Jake: Why don't you tell me what happened to Heather Lisinski?
Constantino: Take him back.
Guard: Let's go, boy.
Jake: Word's going to get back. It's going to get back to Jericho about what you're doing and there is nothing you can do to stop it!

TV Show: Jericho


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