Jonny Quest Quotes

Jonathan 'Jonny' Quest: The SWAT team's orders were shoot to kill. Race saved your life, Surd!
Jeremiah Surd: So I could spend the rest of it in a metal shell? Thank you so much, Mr. Bannon!

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Karim: You will find these little vipers extremely helpful.
Bannon: Oh yeah? How?
Karim: They will help keep your mind off your other problems.
Bannon: Yeah, thanks a heap!

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Karim: Silence the animal!
Jonny: Don’t you shoot at my dog!

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Dr. Quest: Now, now Trina, keep your courage up. The Pohos usually hold their captives for the fire or water god ceremonies. There’s every chance we’ll get there in time if we leave at once!

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Hadji: Do you think it will work?
Bannon: I hope so, Hadji!

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Bannon: You savages better lay off, or I’ll take your village apart stick by stick!

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Emil Hartmann: When the moon is right, hot coals are poured in on the victims. The god Ranio is supposed to watch over their fires till the next full moon.
Dr. Quest: Charming thought. But we’re not cooked yet. Race is out there working on something.

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Emil Hartmann: I’m afraid our friend Race is going to be god of the water for quite some time.
Dr. Quest: Oh, how come?
Emil Hartmann: Because the dye from those purple berries will not wash off, it must wear off!
Dr. Quest: And how long does that take?
Emil Hartmann: At least three weeks!
Bannon: Three weeks! Oh nooooo!

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Agent: He’s been mixed up in gun running, smuggling, the works.
Bannon: Anything for a fast rupee, huh?

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Kasim: There is room for only one richest, most powerful man in the world. And that is Dr Zin!

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Dr. Quest: Now observe what happens when I apply this same acid to the Maharaja’s gold.
Agent: How about that! The gold is disintegrating!
Dr. Quest: Not gold, Zanium!
Agent: Zanium?
Dr. Quest: Well, very little is known about the metal. To my knowledge, hardly a thimble-full has ever been obtained.

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Dr. Quest: There is another mind clever enough and diabolical enough to execute a scheme of this magnitude.
Bannon: You mean our old friend?
Dr. Quest: Yes, Race, Dr. Zin.

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Professor Gunderson: Oooh, if Dr. Quest is here, he is in grave danger. These people are ruthless!
Kasim: As usual, professor, you are correct. I regret you are so inquisitive, boys. Now I cannot permit you to leave.
Jonny: Oh, we’re not afraid! Just wait till Dad and Race get here!
Kasim: Exactly. Since he survived the tiger hunt, Dr. Quest's next move should be to come here, looking for you!

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Dr. Zin: I am almost sorry the game is over. Dr Quest has been a most worthy adversary.
Dr. Quest: It would seem that prematureness is one of your failings, Kasim.
Kasim: Dr Quest! You are still alive!
Dr. Zin: Kasim! You have blundered again!

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Jonny: "Be careful, Dad!"

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Agent 1: Is our man Race Bannon still assigned to guard the Doctor’s boy?
Agent 2: 24 hours a day as tutor, companion, and all around watchdog. You see, since Jonny lost his mother, the government is taking no chances with the boy’s security.
Agent 1: Security?
Agent 2: Yes, you see if Jonny fell into the hands of enemy agents, Dr. Quest’s usefulness to science would be seriously impaired.

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Race Bannon: Uh-oh, what’s this? Big footprints. Either it’s a king-sized duck or we’re not the only ones on this ship.

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Karim: This small, shall we say, ‘tomb away from tomb’ is a trap, Dr Quest!
Dr.Quest: Get to the point!
Karim: Heh heh heh. You and Mr. Bannon will be found here with the god Anubis, and it will appear to be a foreign plot to steal one of our ancient treasures.
Race Bannon: What makes you think we’ll sit still for your crackpot accusation?

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Bannon: What do you make of it, Doctor?
Dr. Quest: He’s being punished for something. ‘Who did this... to you?’
Bannon: I don’t think you’re getting through to him.
Dr. Quest: We are friends. We you. Who ...did... this?

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Dr. Quest: There’s no use kidding ourselves. There’s danger all around here.

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Treasure Hunter: Dr Quest, eh? I’ve heard of you! American Secret Service, eh?
Dr. Quest: I’ve done work for them. But I’m a scientist, I’m here on an archaeological mission sponsored by this government.

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Dr. Quest: Look! A giant cave spider! They’re deadly poisonous!

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Plant worker: We are coming close to perfecting the nerve gas formula! The master will be pleased!

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Bannon: That’s our cue to scram! Let’s go!

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Dr. Quest: Well that’s that! The installation is destroyed!

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Dr. Zin: Dr. Quest is taking the bait, just as I wanted.
Servant: Your food, Dr. Zin.
Dr. Zin: You brainless fool! If you ever come in here again without knocking, I'll have you flogged! Now GET OUT!

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Dr. Zin: An electronic, uh...spy.
Dr. Quest: Spy?
Bannon: The trojan horse routine!
Dr. Zin: Correct! Once inside your laboratory, it gathers information through these antennae and stores it in a memory bank and brings it back to me.
Dr. Quest: Very ingenious! Congratulations!

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Dr. Quest: Guard! Get tanks, flame throwers, anything! That thing must be stopped!

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Dr. Quest: We haven’t a second to lose so you boys stay clear!
Hadji: Yes, Dr. Quest.

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Dr. Quest: It needs more work and more testing.

TV Show: Jonny Quest