Jonny Quest Quotes

Dr. Zin: We will meet again...soon, Dr Quest, very soon, I promise you!
Dr. Quest: And we’ll be ready for you, Zin, you can bet on that!

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Dr. Zin: I want that formula!
Korchek: Yes, Doctor.
Dr. Zin: An increase in the dosage and your space crew becomes totally without will, puppets as it were. Interesting?
Korchek: Very interesting, Dr Zin!
Dr. Zin: Such pills dropped in the water supply of a major city...would reduce the inhabitants to a flock of sheep awaiting instructions.
Korchek: Oooh, a brilliant plan, Dr Zin.
Dr. Zin: I have a brilliant opponent in Dr Quest. But this time I shall win!

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Korchek: For the last time, Doctor, where is the formula?
Dr. Quest: The one place you can’t get my head!

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Phillipe: Yes, Dr. Quest, first they sent a warning. Then the Suga Doll. Korbay, for years a worthless man. Suddenly overnight, this Korbay has acquired these voodoo powers.
Dr. Quest: What’s behind all this?

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Dr. Quest: This is no spell, Phillipe. Your daughter’s been drugged. I’ll go back to the boat and check my books. Perhaps I can prepare an antidote. In the meantime, watch her closely so no more harm can be done!

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Jonny: What do you make of it, Dad?
Dr. Quest: I'm not sure, Jonny, All I know is someone is using a drug to cast what the natives think is a voodoo spell, and I’ve got to find the antidote.
Bannon: Do you think this kook Korbay could give us some answers?
Dr. Quest: I’m sure he could.

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Korbay: Voodoo strong medicine! You cannot stop it!
Dr. Quest: I have already stopped it, Korbay!
Korbay: Cannot stop voodoo! In na nay ya – voo doo dan na!
Dr. Quest: I don’t believe in voodoo, Korbay, especially yours! I’ve come to prove it. Alvaro? You see? Your voodoo did not affect Alvaro.
Korbay: My voodoo still strong!
Dr. Quest: No, Korbay. I have returned Alvaro to consciousness. I know about your little darts dipped in a drug. You’re a fake!
Korbay: No one will believe you. They fear Korbay and the voodoo!
Dr. Quest: They will not fear when I tell them what you have done. Those you have put to sleep, their families. They will kill you when the truth is known.
Korbay: What do you want?
Dr. Quest: There will be no more voodoo drums, no more trances. You will tell me what is behind all this.

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Bannon: What are you building?
Hardin: Take a look. I’m being paid a lot of dough to build a secret sub and arms base.

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Korbay: What about the two small ones?
Hardin: Don’t worry, I’ll shut them up too!

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Denise: Oh, you are both so wonderful, so brave. And I am going to let you each, kiss me! What is the matter? Are you afraid to kiss me?
Bannon: I'm afraid you’ll have to wait about ten years for them to have that kind of courage, Denise!
Jonny: Yeah, see you in about ten years, Denise!
Hadji: It's a date!

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Bannon: Freeze, boys. One move and they’ll make pin cushions out of us.

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Jonny: What do you think they’ll do to us, Race?
Bannon: I dunno, Jonny, but don’t show any fear.

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Hadji: Look, they’re worshiping the airplane!
Bannon: Yeah, but they’re too far away to see us. Hadji, can you still do that levitation trick you learned in India?
Hadji: I...I think so!
Bannon: Then now’s the time!
Hadji: But who?
Bannon: The head man there!
Hadji: It’s been a long time, but I’ll try! Sim, Sim, Salabeem!

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Dr. Quest: It’s a form letter from the African geological society, asking me if I would be interested in participating in a round table discussion. ...on the following subject: You ready?
Bannon: Fire away.
Dr. Quest: Are Pygmies warm and friendly people, yes or no? Heh.
Bannon: Pygmies friendly?

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Jonny: Ashida, he’s the guy you came to see, isn’t he Dad?
Dr. Quest: Hardly a "guy” Jonny. Dr. Ashida is a most respected scientist.
Bannon: He’s quite well known for his zoological work, isn’t he, sir?
Dr. Quest: Very well known. It’s all right, we’ll go ashore.

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Hadji: I do not believe it, Jonny! He is like the cyclops of old!

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Ashida: It’s all in the interest of science, anyway. Haha hahaha!
Dr. Quest: I don’t happen to approve of this, Dr. Ashida. Let’s go -- Race, boys.
Ashida: : Very well, If your western stomachs cannot stand it, we shall postpone the duel. Sumi!

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Ashida: It is too bad you do not understand our way of fighting, Quest, my friend.
Bannon: I understand it, Dr. Ashida.
Ashida: Really? Then let’s have a match! But I warn you, I am most expert.
Bannon: You’re not serious, are ya? I outweigh you by twenty pounds!
Ashida: Ah, bigness means very little in judo, Mr Bannon. It will be interesting to have an opponent other than Sumi. Prepare yourself, Bannon!

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Bannon: Those lizards make good watchdogs, don’t they, Ashida?
Ashida: Ah, you notice that, Mr. Bannon? How complimentary of you. Yes, Sumi releases a dozen or so each night. It insures a sound sleep for me. In short, you will leave when I give the word – and not before!
Bannon: You don’t fool us. You couldn’t take getting beaten at judo, could you?
Ashida: I would not talk of beating if I were you, my barbarian friend. I will make you a sporting proposition, Quest. If your man, Bannon, can stand up to my Sumi, then you may leave.
Bannon: Me and that portable skyscraper? I bet you want odds, too.
Ashida: Ah, no Bannon, I am a true sportsman. Defeat Sumi, and you win your freedom.
Bannon: You got yourself a fight.
Dr. Quest: No, Race, I can’t allow it!
Bannon: What other choice have we, Doctor? Alright, Ashida, bring on your man-mountain anytime.

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Ashida: I want that look of superiority wiped off their faces.

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Jonny: Gosh, Race looks unconscious!
Ashida: Ah HAHAHA!

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Bannon: C’mon, you ugly mug! Stop lying down on the job!

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Jonny: Wow, A flying tackle!
Hadji: Hold on to him, Race!
Bannon: Surrender?
Ashida: He will never surrender! He knows what would happen to him if he did!

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Bannon: Hey! Over here, fatso!

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Dr. Quest: This sample proves it! There IS trinoxyte somewhere near here.
Bannon: Trinoxyte?
Dr. Quest: Yes, a new metal, and absolutely essential to the space program!
Bannon: Where does it come from?
Dr. Quest: Right around here somewhere. Take a look! There are many trinoxyte mines in the world but none half as pure as this sample assays.

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Skipper: It’s dark alright, but it isn’t too mysterious. Bad crocodile country comin' up pretty soon.
Bannon: Crocs won’t attack a boat, will they skipper? I’ve never heard of it.
Skipper: Mister, you haven’t seen crocs until you’ve seen these. They’ll attack anything if they’re angry enough! Just keep your eyes peeled is all.

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Jonny: Look, Hadji!
Hadji: Crocodiles!
Jonny: They’re heading for the boat!
Hadji: Over here, too, look!
Jonny: Dad! Crocodiles, a whole bunch of ‘em. Big ones!
Dr. Quest: I see, Jonny. Grab guns, everybody!

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Skipper: Let em 'ave it, keep shootin'!

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Dr. Quest: Look, that’s it.
Bannon: It’s can’t be!
Dr. Quest: It can’t be, but it is!
Bannon: It’s a man!
Dr. Quest: A man -- and a pteranodon!

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Bannon: Doctor, look out!
Dr. Quest: He’s got me, race! Use the bazooka!
Bannon: This has to work!

TV Show: Jonny Quest