Jonny Quest Quotes

Bannon: Wow, you dropped him! Use your rocket belt, Doctor!

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Dr. Quest: So that’s it, huh? He made slaves of you and killed others. And all for what he thought was silver.
Bannon: Thought?
Dr. Quest: That’s right, this isn’t silver. It’s the purest trinoxyte ore I’ve ever seen. This find will save us years in the space race.
Bannon: What about this character in a wheelchair?
Dr. Quest: Well, obviously he belongs in an institution.
Bannon: And the pteranodon?
Dr. Quest: I’d love to capture him, but I’m afraid it’s him or us!

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Bannon: OK, fellas, it’s all over.
Dr. Quest: You are all free. So head for home, and your families.

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Bannon: Well, there’s a real happy group!
Dr. Quest: Makes you feel kind of good!

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Dr. Quest: Believe me, I’ve got a lot more respect for the prehistoric man.

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Jonny: Boy, that worked great, Dad.
Dr. Quest: Thanks, son. Now you know bombs can be useful, too.

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Simon One: We have completed series two of our volcano explosion.
Dr. Zin: And the results?
Simon One: One zero zero. Perfect shots!
Dr. Zin: Good, very good! Ha ha ha. After your final tests, this new destructive force will be made available to those who can pay...and they will!
Simon One: There is just one thing, Dr. Zin. Dr Quest has arrived on the island.
Dr. Zin: Dr Quest. Are you sure?
Simon One: Yes, Dr. Zin! They plan to fly over the crater tomorrow.
Dr. Zin: Well, stop them! Stop them, do you hear?
Simon One: Yes, Dr. Zin.
Dr. Zin: You have ways! Use them!
Simon One: Yes, Dr, Zin.
Dr. Zin: That is all!

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Bannon: What was that?
Dr. Quest: An invisible ray! Obviously some kind of electronic beam! Take evasive action!
Bannon: Uh-oh, they’ve got us zeroed in!
Simon: Increase power to one-zero-three. Hold on target. Fire!
Bannon: I’m afraid that one did it, Doctor! Fasten your seat belt!

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Jonny: They’re on fire, Hadji!
Bannon: It’s no use, Doctor! The controls are frozen!
Dr. Quest: We’ll have to bail out!
Hadji: Look, parachutes!
Jonny: Wow, they jumped! Yippee!

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Dr. Zin: When will you realize I do not care for your interference?
Dr. Quest: If I was fortunate enough to interfere with any of your diabolical schemes, it was a pleasure.
Dr. Zin: What I have in mind for you and Race Bannon will not be a pleasure.
Bannon: Please, don’t go to any trouble!
Dr. Zin: Have you wondered what we do here?
Dr. Quest: Naturally.
Dr. Zin: We are in the final stages of creating the greatest destructive force known to man. It will be made available to any country or individual that can pay.
Dr. Quest: That’s madness!
Dr. Zin: And I have planned an exquisite end for you.

TV Show: Jonny Quest
Bannon: Well, that’s the end of the volcano.
Dr. Quest: But you can bet it’s not the end of Dr. Zin!
Bannon: And if I know Zin, we’ll be meeting him again.
Dr. Quest: And if we do, let’s hope we can spoil his game again.
Jonny: We’re with you, Dad!
Hadji: Right!
Bandit: Arf Arf arf!
Dr. Quest: That makes it unanimous!

TV Show: Jonny Quest