Kidnapped Quote

[Aubrey's speech]
Aubrey: For the past ten years, we have been hosting this event. And for the past ten years, my father has been the one to deliver this speech, his captive audience. The door's locking, Jim? [laughs]
Aubrey: . So you can imagine my surprise when he pulled me aside this morning and asked if this year I would do the honours. My first reaction was one of terror. This is some room to address. Boy, we've got financial wizards, nobel prize winners, masters of the universe, and there are the men. [laughs]
Aubrey: . For the past ten years, we have opened our home to you, our friends, in the spirit of helping those less fortunate than ourselves. Through this, you have become our family. As someone once said that family is a haven in a heartless world. Well, I think tonight we have proven that the world is not as heartless as some people may think. My father taught us that we have to be strong for those that cannot be strong for themselves. And my mother raught us about giving back. And when I think of the money raised here tonight and what it might accomplish and when I think of the blessings that have been bestowed upon my family, I am humbled. So on behalf of my mother and father, and my brother and sister, thank you all for being here with us tonight, and for being our family. And we'll see you right here next year. Cheers.

Movie: Kidnapped


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