King Ralph Quote

Phipps: [after Ralph's odd meeting with King Mulamboa] I think he did pretty well, considering. It could have been much worse!
Sir Cedric Willingham: Yes, he could have exposed himself, I suppose...
Phipps: [phone rings, he picks it up] Yes? [to Cedric]
Phipps: The Prime Minister for you, sir.
Sir Cedric Willingham: [picks up other phone] Good afternoon, Prime Minister. Yes... Oh really? Well it's a strange world we live in, sir. Yes, thank you. Good bye. [hangs up, to Phipps]
Sir Cedric Willingham: The Prime Minister just spoke to King Mulamboa. The King said he couldn't remember when he'd had so much *fun*...
Phipps: [jumps up, overjoyed]
Sir Cedric Willingham: [almost hugs Phipps, then stops] Um, sherry?
Phipps: Yes, please...

Movie: King Ralph


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