L.A. Vice Quote

Spenser: [Spenser tells Susan about an attempt on his life by the Gray Man] I don't think he expected to miss.
Susan Silverman: But he did. And you charged him. And now, he knows a little more about you.
Spenser: And vice versa.
Susan Silverman: What do you know about him?
Spenser: That he's not caught up in macho games. He took a shot at me and it didn't work out so he walked away from it. There'll be another time. He'll look for it. He's not interested in who's tougher. He's interested in who's dead.
Susan Silverman: You are a piece of work. The Gray Man thinks he's chasing you... and you think you're chasing him.
Spenser: I AM chasing him. What I don't want is for him to know it.

Movie: L.A. Vice


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