Lost Quotes

Hurley: We're all gonna die.
Sawyer: Calm down, Chicken Little. Sky ain't falling just yet.
Hurley: This is exactly what he wants. To fight amongst ourselves. You're making a big mistake, dude.
Locke: It's his to make, Hugo. Let's get on with it.
Sawyer: Right. [pauses] I'm attacking Siberia. [The camera zooms out revealing that they are playing Risk. Sawyer and Hurley roll the dice, and Sawyer wins.] Sorry.
Hurley: Can't believe you're just giving him Australia. Australia's the key to the whole game.
Sawyer: Says you.

TV Show: Lost
Martin Keamy: Mr. Linus, these are my terms. You're gonna step out the front door, put your hands above your head, and you're gonna walk straight to me. Once I have you in my custody, I promise that no one else in that house will be harmed.
Ben: You and I both know that once you have me there's nothing to stop you from killing everybody else on this island.
Martin Keamy: What kind of guy do you think I am?
Ben: Martin Christopher Keamy, former First Sergeant, United States Marine Corps. Served with distinction from 1996 to 2001, but since then you've worked with a number of mercenary organizations, specifically in Uganda. So I know exactly what kind of man you are, Mr. Keamy, and we can dispense with the formalities.

TV Show: Lost
[Ben tries to dissuade Keamy from killing Alex]
Ben: She's not my daughter. I stole her as a baby from an insane woman. She's a pawn, nothing more. She means nothing to me. (pauses) I'm not coming out of his house. So if you want to kill her, go ahead and...
[Keamy shoots Alex]

TV Show: Lost
[Just after Alex was killed while Ben watched]
Ben: He changed the rules.

TV Show: Lost
[The survivors watch as the monster, which is much bigger than ever before and with lightning going though it, attacks the mercenaries at the tree line]
Locke: [to Ben] What did you do?!
Hurley: You just called that thing?!

TV Show: Lost
Jack: Are you ever gonna take us off this island?
Daniel Faraday: No.

TV Show: Lost
[Ben has just broken into Charles Widmore's penthouse]
Charles Widmore: Why are you here?
Ben: I'm here, Charles, because you murdered my daughter.
Charles Widmore: Don't stand there looking at me with those horrible eyes of yours, and lay the blame for the death of that poor girl on me, when we both know very well I didn't murder her at all, Benjamin. You did.
Ben: No, that's not true.
Charles Widmore: Yes, Benjamin, it is. You creep into my bedroom in the dead of night, like a rat, and have the audacity to pretend that you're the victim? I know who you are, boy, what you are. I know that everything you have you took from me. [pauses] So. Once again I ask you, why are you here?
Ben: I'm here, Charles, to tell you that I'm going to kill your daughter. Penelope, is it? And once she's gone, once she's dead, then you'll understand how I feel, and you'll wish you hadn't changed the rules.
Charles Widmore: You'll never find her. [Ben turns around and begins to walk away] That island's mine, Benjamin. It always was. It will be again.
Ben: [Turns around] But you'll never find it.
Charles Widmore: Then I suppose the hunt is on for both of us.
Ben: I suppose it is. Sleep tight, Charles.

TV Show: Lost
[Phone rings]

TV Show: Lost
Jack: - Hello?
Jane (The Secretary): Dr. Shephard? Just confirming your 11: 00 consult with Ms. Berenberg. It was moved up yesterday, and I know how you are with your calendar.
Jack: Yeah. Yeah, I remember, Jane. I'll, um... I'll be in there.
Jane (The Secretary): Thank you, doctor.
Jack: All right. Bye.

TV Show: Lost
[Jack batters in one of Aaron's toy]
Jack: Son of a bitch..

TV Show: Lost
Jack: A-rod...
Jack: Mornin'.
Kate: Morning yourself. I bought you a razor.
Jack: What, you don't like the scruff?
Kate: [Laughs softly] Razor's by the sink, Jack.
[Jack picks a towel for her]
[They kiss]

TV Show: Lost
Jack: [Reading to Aaron] "Alice took up the fan, and as the hall was very hot she kept fanning herself all the time she went on talking, dear, dear. How queer everything is today. And yesterday,things went on just as usual. I wonder if I've been changed in the night. Let me think. Was I the same when I got up this morning? But if I'm not the same, the next question is, 'who in the world am I?' Aha, that's the great puzzle."

TV Show: Lost
Kate: You're a natural.
Jack: Yeah?
Kate: Yeah.
Jack: My old man used to read me that story.
Kate: Really?
Jack: What?
Kate: It's just... it's just sweet hearing you say nice things about your dad.
Jack: I don't say nice things about my dad? Well, he was a good storyteller. I'll give him that.
[He comes closer]
Jack: You okay?
Kate: Just,I...I love seeing you with him. I'm so glad you changed your mind. I'm so glad that you're here.
Jack: Me too.
[They kiss and Jack carries Kate to the bedroom]

TV Show: Lost
Jack: Hey, Hurley.
Hurley: Hey, Jack.
Jack: Why aren't you taking your meds?
Hurley: 'Cause we're dead... all of us. All the oceanic six. We're all dead. We never got off that island.
Jack: Hurley... that is not true.
Hurley: What'd you do today?
Jack: What did I do today? I,uh... [Sighs] I woke up, took a shower. Uh, Kate and I fed the baby.
Hurley: I thought you didn't want anything to do with Aaron.
Jack: I changed my mind after the trial.
Hurley: Living with Kate... taking care of Aaron... it all seems so perfect... just like heaven.
Jack: Just because I'm happy doesn't mean that this isn't real, Hurley.
Hurley: I was happy, too, Jack... for a while, anyway. Then I saw Charlie. He likes to sit with me on the bench out on the front lawn. It's pretty cool, actually.
Jack: Okay. [Sighs] so what do the two of you talk about?
Hurley: Well, yesterday, he told me you were gonna be coming by. He wanted me to give you a message.
Jack: A message?
Hurley: [Opens the drawer] He made me write it down so I wouldn't mess it up. "You're not supposed to raise him, Jack" Does that make any sense?
Jack: No, that...doesn't make any sense.
Hurley: Do you think he means Aaron?
Jack: Take your meds, Hurley. Just take them.
Hurley: Hey, Jack? Charlie said someone's gonna be visiting you, too. Soon.

TV Show: Lost
[Locke, Sawyer, Juliet, Miles and Jin finally find the well Charlotte talked about]
Sawyer: You're going down there?
Locke: Aha...
Sawyer: What exactly are you hoping to find?
Locke: A way off the Island.
Sawyer: Expecting a subway!?
Locke: [Smiling] Goodbye, James.

TV Show: Lost
Jin: Please, translate!
Sawyer: You heard the man, translate!
Miles: Dude, he's Korean. I'm from Encino.

TV Show: Lost
Kate: The tent's all set. Everything's ready.
Juliet: Good. Thanks. Listen, I could use an extra pair of hands in there. You wanna help me out?
Kate: Um, I don't...I don't think that's a good idea.
Juliet: It's just holding a mirror. Jack wants to watch the surgery, "talk me through it."
[Kate smiles]
Juliet: What?
Kate: I'm just surprised he's not taking it out of himself by now.
[They see Jack walking]
Juliet: Jack? What are you doin'?
[Jack tries to walk without help]
Jack: I don't need a stretcher. I can walk 50 feet.
[Kate arrives]
Kate: I'll help you.
Juliet: They're gonna be back with the instruments soon. We need to be ready to go as soon as they get back. See you in there.
[Kate helps Jack and they walk together]
Kate: So it looks like I'm gonna be your nurse.
Jack: Wouldn't be the first time.
[Brief pause]
Jack: Listen, um... if something happens to me...
Kate: Shut up, Jack.
[Jack smiles]
Jack: Fair enough.

TV Show: Lost
Jack: Kate? Kate? Wake up, Kate.
Kate: What time is it?
Jack: It's late. I just got home.
Kate: Were you working?
Jack: No. I... I just...had to stop and get something. It just took a while.
Kate: What's going on? What's wrong?
Jack: The other night, when I was reading to Aaron, you said... that I was a natural. [Sighs] do you really... do you really think that I'm good at this?
Kate: Yeah! You're good at this.
Jack: [pauses] Will you marry me?
Kate: [crying] Yes.
[Jack pulls out a small box and shows the ring]
Kate: Of course I will, Yes!
[He wears it on her finger]
[They hug]

TV Show: Lost
Jin: Charlotte.
Charlotte: Yeah?
Jin: I know you understand me.
Charlotte: Pardon?
Jin: I know you speak Korean. You smiled when sun and I talked about you and you were listening to us at the station.
Charlotte: I'm sorry. Perhaps I can get your wife to translate...
Jin: You know, if you continue to lie, I'm going to hurt your friend Daniel, I'm going to break his fingers one at a time, do you understand that?
Charlotte: What do you want?
Jin: When you helicopter comes for you, you're goning to take my wife off this island.
Charlotte: What about you and the rest of your friends?
Jin: Just get her on the helicopter.

TV Show: Lost
Kate: [On the phone]: Yeah, I'll just have the nanny stay for an extra couple hours. Jack's never home before 8: 00. I could stay for at least an hour.
[Kate sees Jack watching her]
Kate: I-I gotta go. Jack's home. Yeah, okay. I'll call you later. Bye.
[Kate hangs up]
Kate: You scared me.
Jack: [Smiles] Sorry. I thought you'd be in bed. [Brief pause] Who was that?
Kate: That was Noreen.
Jack: Noreen..
Kate: She's one of the moms from the park.
Kate: [Smiles] What?
Jack: [Smiles] Nothing. I just...never heard you mention her before.
Kate: Well, now you have.
[She kisses him]
Kate: I'll see you upstairs.

TV Show: Lost
Bernard: It went well. She did good. She said you could go back inside if you want to.
Kate: Thank you
Bernard: Okay.
[Kate enters the tent]
Juliet: He didn't lose that much blood. I got the appendix out and put everything back where it belongs, I think.
Kate: Yeah. So, he's gonna be okay?
Juliet: He should be fine. We just have to talk him into resting.
Kate: Good luck with that!
Juliet: I'm sorry I yelled at you.
Kate: Don't worry about it. You had enough going on.
Juliet: You know, he kissed me.
Kate: What?
Juliet: The other day, when you came back from the other side of the island, Jack kissed me.
Kate: Oh...
Juliet: It was nice. But it wasn't for me. But it was for him. I'm pretty sure he was trying to prove something.
Kate: Prove what?
Juliet: That he doesn't love some else.
Kate: Thank you, Juliet. Thank you for saving his life.
[Kate goes out of the tent]
Juliet: I know you're awake.
[Jack opens his eyes]

TV Show: Lost
[Kate arrives at home]
Kate: Hey you're home early. Where's Veronica?
Jack: I sent her home. The baby's sleep.
Kate: Good.
[Ice cubes rattle]
Jack: Why was she here?
Kate: Sorry?
Jack: The nanny. She only works till 4: 00. I came home 6: 00.
Kate: I had to run some errands so... [Sets keys down] I asked her to stay a couple extra hours [Pauses] What's going on, Jack? Why are you home so early?
Jack: I went to see Hurley.
Kate: Today?
Jack: Last Friday.
Kate: Why didn't you tell me? I would've gone with you.
[Jack laughs]
Jack: Because he's crazy, Kate and I didn't wanna upset you. [Pauses] Where were you today?
[Kate kneels in front of him]
Kate: I'm gonna ask you... to trust me. Trust me and just leave it be.
Jack: Where were you?
Kate: Jack, don't.
Jack: No, I heard you on the phone last night. Who were you talking to?
Kate: Just let it go.
Jack: No, no, I wanna know!
Kate: No, Jack.
Jack: I wanna know where you were. I wanna know who you were with.
Kate: It doesn't matter, Jack. Please.
Jack: No, TELL ME!
[Kate starts to cry]
Kate: I was doing something for him.
Jack: For who?
Kate: For Sawyer. I made him a promise...
Jack: What?
Kate: It doesn't matter. It has nothing to do with us!
Jack: Then why won't you tell me?
Kate: Because, because he wouldn't want me to.
Jack: But he's not here, is he? No, no, he made his choice. He chose to stay.
Jack: I'm the one who came back. I'm the one who's here. I'm the one who saved

TV Show: Lost
Locke: You ever wonder what happened to the Dharma Initiative, Hugo? There must have been at least a hundred of 'em living on this island. Manning the stations, building those homes, making all that ranch dressing that you like. And then, one day, they're all gone, they just disappear. You wanna know where we're going? [Walks over to the pit that contains the bodies of the Dharma Initiative] We're going to see them.
Hurley: What happened to them?
Locke: [Jerks his head at Ben] He did.

TV Show: Lost
[Locke, Ben, and Hurley are looking for Jacob's cabin]
Locke: It should be about two hundred yards this way.
Ben: You sure it's gonna be there, John?
Locke: I'm sorry?
Ben: The cabin. What if its moved, again?
Locke: It hasn't moved, because I was told this is where it would be.
Ben: I was told a lot of things too. That I was chosen, that I was special. I end up with a tumor on my spine and my daughter's blood all over my hands.
Locke: I'm sorry those things happened to you, Ben.
Ben: Those things had to happen to me. That was my destiny. But you'll understand soon enough that there are consequences to being chosen. Because destiny, John, is a fickle bitch.

TV Show: Lost
[Jack, Kate, Sun, Hurley, Sayid, and Aaron are about to arrive in Honolulu and be questioned by the press]
Jack: If we get any questions we don't wanna answer, or that we can't answer, let's just keep our mouths shut. [Everyone stares at him without saying anything] It's okay, they'll think that we're in shock.
Sun: We are in shock, Jack.
Jack: Well, then this should be easy.

TV Show: Lost
[Sayid has just arrived back at the beach in the Zodiac]
Juliet: Sayid, where's Desmond?
Sayid: He's fine, he's on the freighter. Listen, I'm going to start taking people back, six at a time. We have to go right now, before the helicopter gets back to the boat.
Juliet: Why do we have to go to the boat before the chopper gets back?
Sayid: Because the men on that helicopter have every intention of killing us all. [Juliet looks scared] What?
Juliet: Jack and Kate just went running after it.

TV Show: Lost
[Locke, Ben and Hurley are looking at the armed men in the Orchid Station]
Locke: I'm sorry Ben, but maybe I've missed the part where you explain what I'm supposed to do with the armed men inside.
Ben: I'm gonna take care of 'em.
Locke: And how the hell are you gonna do that?
Ben: How many time I have to tell you, John? I always have a plan.

TV Show: Lost
[Hurley opens the box Ben hands to him and finds saltine crackers inside. He eats one.]
Ben: You know those are 15 years old?

TV Show: Lost
Jack: We have to go back! WE HAVE TO GO BACK!
Kate: "We have to go back"? "We have to go back"?
Jack: Now hold on--
Kate: Who do you think you are?! You call me over and over again for two days straight, stoned on your pills! And then you show up here with an obituary for Jeremy Bentham. [Sighs] When he came to me and I heard what he had to say, I knew he was crazy. But you... you believed him.
Jack: Yes.
Kate: Him, of all people.
Jack: Yes, Kate, I did, because he said that that was the only way that I could keep you safe--you and Aaron. [Kate slaps Jack]
Kate: Don't you say his name. I still have to explain to him why you are not there to read to him, so don't you say his name!
Jack: I'm sorry.
Kate: I've spent the last three years trying to forget all the horrible things that happened on the day that we left. How dare you ask me to go back?

TV Show: Lost
Jack: What did you want to talk to me about, John?
Locke: I want you to reconsider leaving the island, Jack. I would like you to stay.
Jack: You’d like me to stay.
Locke: Yeah. That’s right.
Jack: You threw a knife into the back of an unarmed woman, you led half of our people across the island and got most of them killed.
Locke: Well Jack, you put a gun to my head and pulled the trigger. I was hoping we could let bygones be bygones.

TV Show: Lost