Louder Than Bombs Quotes

Isabelle: One morning you're over there doing something you feel is important, but it's hard as well, you know? You can't wait to go back home. Then finally you're there. You always arrive exhausted, having changed plans like four times.

Movie: Louder Than Bombs
Melanie: He could still, many years from now, recall the scene in all its detail. The lock of hair she placed behind her ear. The way the washing label stuck out from the neck of her tanktop. The streetlights that went out as they passed Kevin Anderson's house. That strangely familiar smell of damp earth that he couldn't quite place.

Movie: Louder Than Bombs
Gene Reed: [from trailer]I think he deserves to know the truth.
Jonah: Truth? What is the truth?

Movie: Louder Than Bombs
Jonah: [catching his brother dancing]Oh my God! That was so weird! Oh my God, dude, you're like the Billy Elliot of hip-hop. Hey, hey man I'm sorry, that was funny, it was really weird but it was funny. It was funny. It's funny, funny.

Movie: Louder Than Bombs
Isabelle: After this, I'll slow down, I promise.

Movie: Louder Than Bombs
Conrad: ...the most times I've jerked off in one day... 7.

Movie: Louder Than Bombs
Conrad: There are days I'm invisible, I can do whatever I want. I must be careful not to lose that ability.

Movie: Louder Than Bombs
Conrad: Sometimes I wish there were two of me.

Movie: Louder Than Bombs
[Jonah gets off from phone with Amy] Conrad: You know, if I had a girl, I'd never lie to her.
Jonah: Yeah? Good luck with that.

Movie: Louder Than Bombs
Jonah: Just think really hard about what you are doing here because... uh, I mean even if you see her that way, I don't think Conrad has to.

Movie: Louder Than Bombs
Isabelle: Again you get the feeling that you're in the wrong place.

Movie: Louder Than Bombs