Mannix Quotes

Dr. Lang: I don't find any organic damage, either to the eye proper, or the connective ophthalmic system.
Joe Mannix: What's that supposed to mean?
Dr. Lang: That means there's no pathological reason why you can't see.
Joe Mannix: Why can't I?
Dr. Lang: You have a case of psychosomatic blindness.
Joe Mannix: Psychosomatic?
Dr. Lang: There's no simple explanation, Mr. Mannix. [the doctor walks to the window and opens the blinds to the examining room]
Dr. Lang: You live a dangerous and complex life. You risk it constantly in your profession. To you that's just... an occupational hazard. But you're a man. And mortal. When that bullet caught you, only the thickness of a single hair kept you from being killed. In that split second, you felt death. Your eyes saw it. They couldn't stand it, and they closed.
Joe Mannix: For how long?
Dr. Lang: Your sight could come back in six months... six days... or even six hours.
Joe Mannix: Or never.
Dr. Lang: Or never.

TV Show: Mannix