Mean Creek Quote

Clyde: [Marty holds a joint in front of Clyde's face] What'd I tell you?
Marty: You don't smoke herb?
Clyde: Yeah, so get it out of my face.
Marty: Faggot.
Marty: [Clyde gives disapproving look] Clydo, I'm just ****ing with you, your not a faggot, all right? Okay? Fist bump? Fist bump? [Clyde bumps his fist]
Marty: All right zero kill.
Marty: Besides, I like your dads, Clyde, I never knew any homosexual men personally until I met them, they're not so bad. [in mocking feminine voice]
Marty: Don't you think so Rocky?

Movie: Mean Creek


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