Mercy Quote

Nurse Veronica Flanagan Callahan: [after losing a game of H.O.R.S.E., which was to determine if she and Chris would get back together] I gave it my best shot.
Dr. Chris Sands: Yeah.
Nurse Veronica Flanagan Callahan: [Starts to walk away, but circles around] You know, I don't mean to be a sore loser, but the game was rigged. First of all, you are taller than me and you played in high school and there are unfavorable weather conditions.
Dr. Chris Sands: That's not rigged, that's life.
Nurse Veronica Flanagan Callahan: That's not rigged, that's life. That is exactly my point, Chris. Life is rigged. I mean you show up here just as I am trying to get my marriage back together, so I try to do the right thing and you happen to meet this totally awesome girl, who P.S. I love. Plus I'm actually a really fun girl, when I'm not half out of my mind with PTSD. And all I really want to do is go back to those three days in Dubai with you, because I love you. But it's not going to happen. Plus, I- [He rushes towards her and kisses her. They embrace and continue to kiss]
Nurse Veronica Flanagan Callahan: I didn't get to finish my speech.
Dr. Chris Sands: Yeah, I just thought you were talking for a really long time. [They embrace again and continue to kiss]

Movie: Mercy


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