Michael Quotes

[first lines]

Motto (titlecard): Motto: Now I can die in peace for I have known a great love.

Movie: Michael
[from trailer]

Michael Moore: I'm not in anyone's movies other than my own.
[a list of other people's movies he's been in scrolls up]

Movie: Michael
[from trailer]

Michael Wilson: [from trailer] The juxtaposition is now I'm the little guy and he's the big guy who won't return my calls.

Movie: Michael
[from trailer]

Michael Wilson: It's one thing to say, Okay, we're gonna go out and make a documentary. It's another thing to push the truth so far just to promote your political agenda.

Movie: Michael
[last lines]

Penn Jillette: If you cut this footage so that I'm more negative about Michael Moore than I really am, or that I make points I didn't really make, I'll hunt you down and ****ing kill you.

Movie: Michael
[repeated line]

Man in black: Danny, kill for him.

Movie: Michael
[Tommy has a knife to Wynn's throat]

Tommy Doyle: Untie her!

Dr. Wynn: Do as he says! Do it.

Dr. Wynn: You should join us, you have talented.

Tommy Doyle: Shut up.

Movie: Michael
[as the British flag comes down]

Michael Collins: So that's what all the bother was about.

Movie: Michael
[Michael Collins arrives at the ceremony to take down the British flag]

British officer: You're seven minutes late, Mr. Collins.

Michael Collins: You've kept us waiting 700 years. You can have your seven minutes.

Movie: Michael
[Opening narration]

Tommy Doyle: When Michael Myers was six years old, he stabbed hs sister to death. He was locked up for years in Smith's Grove Sanitarium, but he escaped. Soon after, Halloween became another word for mayhem! One by one, he killed his entire family, until his nine-year-old niece, Jamie Lloyd, was the only one left alive. Six years ago - Halloween night - Michael and Jamie vanished. Most people believed them dead but I believe someone hid them away. Someone who keeps Michael, protects him... tries to control him. If there's one thing I know, you can't control evil. You can lock it up, burn it, and bury it, and pray that it dies, but it never will. It just... rests awhile. You can lock your doors, and say your prayers, but the evil is out there... waiting. And maybe, just maybe... it's closer than you think!

Movie: Michael
Barry Simms: OK, next caller. We have Duanne on the line. What's on your feeble excuse for a brain?

caller: Well Barry, I'm a big fan, I listen to your show all the time. I can't believe you're really going to be paying a little visit to our little town tommorrow.

Barry Simms: Do you have a point to make Duanne or should I continue spanking the monkey?

caller: Oh Barry, you're too much. I know things are different now in the ninties: gays in the military, cut off your husband's dooginger and become a national hero, so I don't see the point in bringing back Halloween to Haddonfield...

Barry Simms: Wank, wank. Thank you Duanne.
[cuts him off]

Movie: Michael
Barry Simms: There is help for people like you. It's called electroshock therapy. C'mon, you don't really believe Michael Myers is actually alive?

Tommy Doyle: Micahel's work isn't done in Haddonfield, and soon, very soon, he'll come home to kill again. But this time I'll be ready.

Movie: Michael
Beth: We are not going to allow the powers that be tell us what to do anymore. For years Halloween represented everything wrong with Haddonfield, but Michael Myers is gone. There is no Boogeyman.

Barry Simms: Dang Tim! Does she get this riled up in the sack? I bet she wears crotchless panties and barks like a dog!

Movie: Michael
Caller: Barry, whatever happened to that psychiatrist of his, Loomis? I heard the old quack was dead!

Doctor Sam Loomis: Not dead, just very much retired.

Movie: Michael
Chief Painter: When are you gonna start talking straight?

Michael Shayne: Not until my attorney gets out of law school!

Movie: Michael
Doctor Sam Loomis: [Producer's Cut only] Michael? It's over! It's finally over. It's all over.
[he pulls off the mask, and sees it is Wynn]

Dr. Wynn: [startled] Michael. Michael's gone!
[he grabs Loomis's arm]

Dr. Wynn: It's your game now Doctor Loomis!

Movie: Michael
Doctor Sam Loomis: I knew what he was, but I never knew why.

Movie: Michael
Doctor Sam Loomis: It was Jamie Lloyd.

Dr. Wynn: That was six years ago Sam. She died with him in that explosion, you know that.

Doctor Sam Loomis: I've wanted to believe it. But I've felt Michael's presence, behind these walls, just like all those years ago. Plotting, staring, Staring. Waiting for some signal. I can't go through this again, not alone. Please, as my colleague, as my friend. Help me.

Movie: Michael
Dr. Samuel Loomis: [encounters the Shape in gas station] Michael? Why now? You've waited ten years. Why come back now? I knew this day would come. Don't go to Haddonfield. If you want another victim, take me. But leave those people in peace. Please, Michael?

Dr. Samuel Loomis: Goddamn you.
[Loomis shoots at Michael]

Movie: Michael
Dr. Samuel Loomis: Why wasn't I notified?

Dr. Hoffman: About what?

Dr. Samuel Loomis: You know damn well about what! You let them take it out of here!

Movie: Michael
Dr. Wynn: About time Doctor Loomis. Welcome to your fate. The time has come for you to know the truth. The time has come for you to join us.

Doctor Sam Loomis: Why now?

Dr. Wynn: After Jamie escape last night, I knew she would come to you. And I knew you would lead us to her baby, her very special baby. I needed her, just as I need you now. It's your destiny Sam, it lives inside you. It always has, you know that don't you?

Doctor Sam Loomis: You are... a mad man.

Movie: Michael
Dr. Wynn: I'd like you to come back to Smith's Grove.

Doctor Sam Loomis: Dr. Wynn, you know it is not wise to play Halloween pranks.

Movie: Michael
Dr. Wynn: It's no prank; you're the one I've chosen Sam. I want you to come back.

Doctor Sam Loomis: After my stroke six years ago they practically had to hold a pistol to my head to get me to retire. But things are different now- I'm different. I've buried the ghosts, I've buried them in this manuscript. I don't want to practise medicine anymore.

Movie: Michael
Dr. Wynn: Michael, your final sacrifice.

Kara: Michael, you can make him stop it. Don't kill the baby. You know whose baby it is, don't you?

Dr. Wynn: [shouts] Michael!

Kara: The baby is yours. Isn't it, Michael?
[Producer's Cut only]

Movie: Michael
Dr. Wynn: Michael, your final sacrifice.

Kara: Michael, you can make him stop it. Don't kill the baby. You know whose baby it is, don't you?

Dr. Wynn: [shouts] Michael!

Kara: The baby is yours. Isn't it, Michael?
[Producer's Cut only]

Movie: Michael
Ferret: The survey shows that...
[realizing the survey asked the wrong question]

Ferret: ... it shows that 90% of English families do not eat boot polish for breakfast.

Movie: Michael
Harry Boland: What happens next time?

Michael Collins: Next time, Harry, we won't play by their rules. We'll invent our own!

Movie: Michael
Huey Driscoll: Can I just pull on your wings to see how they're attached?

Michael: Why don't you pull on your pecker to see how it's attached?

Pansy Milbank: Hey. Language.

Frank Quinlan: An angel that says pecker.

Pansy Milbank: Language.

Movie: Michael
Interviewer: [When looking at a replica of King Tut's Golden Coffin at a Store in Las Vegas] Would you like to be buried in something like that?

Michael Jackson: No, I don't want to buried at all.

Interviewer: What do you want?

Michael Jackson: To live forever.

Movie: Michael
James: We got a few more, are ya ready?

James: Are you sure?

James: Uh, I think uh, were gonna do somethin' heavy now.

James: That was all the warm up stuff.

Movie: Michael