Mike Case in: The Big Kiss Off Quotes

Mike Case: How am I supposed to find a guy if I don't know what he looks like?
Victoria Billows: You can see his teeth.

Movie: Mike Case in: The Big Kiss Off
Mike Case: So you say he's some kinda medium?
Bootsie: Oh, I don't know, I'd say she's getting a large.

Movie: Mike Case in: The Big Kiss Off
Mike Case: 100 bucks a day? What do you think this is, 1946?

Movie: Mike Case in: The Big Kiss Off
Salvatore Buccho: I'm gonna get the hose, it's like two dogs making out in here!

Movie: Mike Case in: The Big Kiss Off
Shelly Stucks: [to Mike]You want some wine?
Mike Case: That was someone else's, wasn't it?
Shelly Stucks: [chugging the leftover drink]Ooh, that's not wine!

Movie: Mike Case in: The Big Kiss Off
Tamal Dupta: And I shall now do three gongs, and at each gong you will feel and breathe, feel and breathe!

Movie: Mike Case in: The Big Kiss Off