Mindhunters Quotes

[last lines]
Sara Moore: Do you think they'll let me make profiler?
Gabe: That depends. One last question: When's the situation secure, agent?
Sara Moore: On the drive home.
Gabe: Yeah.
Sara Moore: On the drive home.

Movie: Mindhunters
J.D.: It's no fun unless it's a challenge, right?

Movie: Mindhunters
Bobby: [analyzing Girl at Bar] Good evening, my fine young FBI friends. I am a pretty little thing just out of lit class at GMU. Please note the Jimmy Joyce in my Kate Spade. My parents are loaded as per my expensive ensemble and that "J", where is it, on my key ring, means I'm either a "Jill" or a "Jennifer". Those being the favorite "J" names of beltway parents circa 1981. I like to hang with my girlfriends and have a good time but I'm really just a mature woman looking for a mature man.

Movie: Mindhunters
Bobby: [to Rafe] The man's calling you a killer. Personally, I think you might want to defend yourself [Rafe's head breaks off at the neck]
Sara Moore: [shocked] There's no blood. Someone drained his blood.

Movie: Mindhunters
Bobby: Two hundred and ninety nine million, seven hundred and ninety two thousand, four hundred and fifty eight meters per second. This is the original measurement for light.
Lucas: And you know that?
Bobby: Its the basic principal of physics
Lucas: Along with **** happens?

Movie: Mindhunters
Vince Sherman: [pulls his gun from a cubby under his wheel chair and cocks it back] I'll give him a taste of the real thing.
Rafe: Did he just pull that gun out of his arse?
Lucas: [Everyone looks at Vince] We weren't suppose to bring weapons.
Vince Sherman: My gun goes where I go. If you ever get shot sometime maybe you'll understand.

Movie: Mindhunters