Mobsters Quotes

Arnold Rothstein: [his last words, while playing cards] ... What's the matter? Did I make a wrong bet? [Mad Dog Coll guns him down from behind]

Movie: Mobsters
Bugsy: I'm Bugsy Siegel, ever heard of me?
Showgirl: No, what do you do?
Bugsy: I kill people.

Movie: Mobsters
Frank Costello: ...In 24 hours, Faranzano comes after us for killing No-Nose Tommy. We can't fight him; we ain't got the guns for it.
Meyer Lansky: Masseria does.
Frank Costello: So we're goin' with Masseria?
Lucky: He ain't so bad.
Frank Costello: He's a fat, stupid ****! Other than that, I guess he's swell.
Lucky: Right now, this fat stupid **** can save our lives. Remember, it's only temporary.

Movie: Mobsters
Frank Costello: [as the Big Four consider Faranzano's offer] ... Fifteen percent off the top from Faranzano's operation, huh? You know how much money that is? Well, I don't either. But it's a hell of a lot.
Meyer Lansky: But as soon as we sold to Faranzano, he'd knock you off because you're Sicilian; one day, you might wanna be boss. If he iced you now, there'd be a stink all right. But if you're working for Faranzano, who's gonna come after him except the three of us? And then we'd all be history.
Lucky: That's why we're in partnership with these Jews, Frankie.

Movie: Mobsters
Tommy Reina: ...Charlie, you know who hit Rothstein. And I know you're Joe's number-two man. But if you're gonna take down Rothstein's killer... get a price from Faranzano first.
Lucky: Tommy, I always thought your loyalty was to Joe. [Don Joe Masseria, that is]
Tommy Reina: I love Joe, but this is business and Faranzano's gonna win. You rub out the guy who smoked Rothstein, and you can write your own ticket.

Movie: Mobsters
Vincent Pasquale: This place looks like a whole lot of nothin'.
Agent Tuttle: Well it was just a desert waste land when the Mormon pioneers arrived in July of 1846, but under the leadership of President Brigham Young the entire area...
Carmine "The Beans" Pasquale: You work for the National Park Service or the FBI? Just drive the van G-Man!

Movie: Mobsters