Muppets Tonight Quote

[21 Muppet heights - a soap opera with Johnny Fiama as Clark Barr, Sal as Chaz and Heather Locklear as Diamanda]
Clark Barr: Well well well, Chaz, what are you doing here? Where is Diamanda? Where is she?
Chaz: She's in the bedroom and she won't come out, Johhny!
Clark Barr: Mmmm. ... [with teeth tight] It's not Johnny, it's Clark, Chaz!
Chaz: Okay, Clark Chaz.
Clark Barr: No, no, no, you, you're Chaz, I'm Clark - Clark Barr.
Chaz: Clark bar, mmmmm! Clark bar like the candy?
Clark Barr: What you talkin' about? It's my na... Oh right, forget about it, just do your lines, Sal!
Chaz: Ok Johhny. I mean Clark - Chaz, I m... Clark. ... er
Clark Barr: Where was I? Where was I? Oh yes, yes, yes! Ha ha! Oh, I can't believe this, me the most powerful lawyer in 21 Muppet Heights, and you[disbelief is apparent] a succesful male supermodel, here we are, both being taken advantage of by Diamanda. Come out, come out, Diamanda, and let the world see the evil side of womanhood!
Diamanda: Hey guys! Look, I've knitted mittens! For everyone!
Clark Barr: Mittens?

TV Show: Muppets Tonight


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