Mystery Science Theater 3000 Quote
[The scene fades to an intersection]
Narrator: Now here's an intersection near where Joe lived.
Crow [as Narrator]: Called "Blood Alley"
Narrator: No stop signs, the kind of place where nobody bothered to stop or slow down...
Joel [as Narrator]: It made you feel happy.
[Scene pans to a car approaching]
Narrator: Here comes someone from one direction and...
[Pan to another car coming the opposite way]
Narrator: ...uh-oh... here comes Joe from the other.
Joel [as Narrator]: Let's watch the fun! Hee-hee! The joke will be on Joe!
[Cut to a pedestrian watching the corner. As the cars approach each other, he plugs his ears, and closes his eyes tightly just before impact.]
Servo: Well, I guess he can't be a witness...
Narrator: Now here's an intersection near where Joe lived.
Crow [as Narrator]: Called "Blood Alley"
Narrator: No stop signs, the kind of place where nobody bothered to stop or slow down...
Joel [as Narrator]: It made you feel happy.
[Scene pans to a car approaching]
Narrator: Here comes someone from one direction and...
[Pan to another car coming the opposite way]
Narrator: ...uh-oh... here comes Joe from the other.
Joel [as Narrator]: Let's watch the fun! Hee-hee! The joke will be on Joe!
[Cut to a pedestrian watching the corner. As the cars approach each other, he plugs his ears, and closes his eyes tightly just before impact.]
Servo: Well, I guess he can't be a witness...
TV Show: Mystery Science Theater 3000