MythBusters Quotes

Adam: Am I missing an eyebrow?

TV Show: MythBusters
Adam: Well, hopefully that's our job, to strap rockets onto everything!

TV Show: MythBusters
Jamie: And that was the end of Adam's Television career.
Adam: No! [punches Jamie in the arm]

TV Show: MythBusters
Jamie: Adam needs a cookie.

TV Show: MythBusters
Narrator - Europe: The gang is now ready for a mythbusting favourite: cars completely out of control.

TV Show: MythBusters
Salvatore: Mmmmmm... Yummy!

TV Show: MythBusters
Jamie: What did you do today, honey?
Adam: [mimics a conversation] I made a Meat Bullet. Is that what the kids are calling it these days?

TV Show: MythBusters
Adam: We made something blow up! (claps his hands and laughs like an idiot)

TV Show: MythBusters
Jamie: These are actually more powerful than the JATOs—
Adam: But they're smaller; how's that possible?
Jamie: Well, we're gonna use more of them.

TV Show: MythBusters
[The '67 Impala they just bought has broken down on an onramp.]
Adam: We are 8.5 miles from where we bought the car.
Rob Lee (US Narrator): It's 100 degrees, we're three hours from the shop, and—thanks to a blocked fuel filter—our rocket car is doing exactly…zero miles per hour. Thank goodness Adam's got the gold breakdown package.

TV Show: MythBusters
[Adam's cellphone rings in the middle of his work.]
Adam: Who the hell could be calling me? I can't answer that, I'm tying a pig stomach into a skeleton.

TV Show: MythBusters
Jamie: [To Kari] That's probably the best shot that you'll ever see of your own butt.

TV Show: MythBusters
Jamie: She'll have a huge hicky!
Adam: A huge butt hicky. It is hard to explain.

TV Show: MythBusters
Adam: I've only never broken one bone in my body—my neck.

TV Show: MythBusters
[After they've inflated over 40 weather balloons for the test.]
Jamie: I think we've used up all the helium in the Bay Area.

TV Show: MythBusters
[In the opening to the Goldfinger myth.]
Adam: Tub of body latex: $22 . Tub of gold pigment: $6. Watching your friend get naked, covered in gold paint and then jogging until he passes out: Priceless!

TV Show: MythBusters
Jamie: (to Adam) You're a nice guy and all, but sometimes you can be a bull in a china shop.
Adam: I'm not gonna respond to that. (Incidentally, the expression "bull in a china shop" was busted)

TV Show: MythBusters
[One of the MythBusters' experiments has just burst into flames with Adam nearby.]
Adam: [feels his face] I'm fine, I'm fine. I'm fine. Am I eyebrow?

TV Show: MythBusters
Adam: So did you ever have customers come in and say "Could you sell me something different, this causes too much static shock when I wear it?"
Lingerie Store Owner: No, but they've said "This causes too much shock!".

TV Show: MythBusters
Adam: You think we can build some pantie friction in the bed here?
Jamie: Well, that's what it's for, isn't it?

TV Show: MythBusters
Jamie: Jamie wants big boom.

TV Show: MythBusters
Adam: Is gasoline flammable? You'll find out after this!

TV Show: MythBusters
[The MythBusters, despite repeated attempts to ignite gas fumes inside their large test box, are unable to do so.]
Adam: [exasperated] hard can it be to blow up a room full of gasoline??

TV Show: MythBusters
[After a lengthy session of shattering CDs, Adam and Jamie examine the shards embedded in a ballistic gelatin torso placed near the test rig.]
Jamie: Any day we create that much shrapnel is a good day.

TV Show: MythBusters
Adam: God-damn barrel! It didn't do squat!(Adam examines the barrel) What is this? (Pause) This barrel is too damn strong!

TV Show: MythBusters
[After Buster is broken in the course of the test.]
Adam: We broke a crash test dummy, man! I think that's a red letter day! (Holds up Buster's arm in triumph) Yeah!!!!

TV Show: MythBusters
[Adam works on a skeleton to use for a test dummy.]
Adam: I'll always miss my old skeleton. It's too bad. He got his head blown off…with a Mannlicher-Carcano rifle.

TV Show: MythBusters
Adam: It just goes to show, do not grab the third rail with both hands and *bleep* on it from 3 inches away! [kneels down on the rail, mimicking a drunk person] Oh man, wait a second, I gotta take a wee. Woo! That'll never make it on the show. [Which is ironic because it did make it on the show.]

TV Show: MythBusters
[The test dummy's legs (which Adam was supposed to glue, but he used tape instead) start leaking gel.]
Adam: It's leaking from…everywhere.
Jamie: We didn't glue that at all, huh?
Adam: No, I didn't.

TV Show: MythBusters
Adam: Total crapola. This is a complete and utter disaster.

TV Show: MythBusters