Naruto Quote

Sarutobi: It's hard to believe it's been a year already. Your instructors tell me you're among the most playful of their students, always full of fun. You're very brave. It's hard to hide sadness behind laughter.
Iruka: [As a child] What makes you think I'm sad about anything?! It's a noble thing to die in the line of duty, right? My parents gave their lives to protect this place from the fox demon. I'm the son of heroes. How can I be sad when they died that way?! I'm not even sad because they went and left me all alone.. If i cry, it's cause I'm proud.
Sarutobi: It's all right, Iruka. I know that somewhere inside of you, there's a boy curled up in a ball of pain. But remember this, you are not alone. Inside every ninja of the Hidden Leaf Village burns the will of fire.
Iruka: The will of fire?
Sarutobi: It's what gives us the strength to defend our village. It's the unbreakable bond that ties us all together. It's what makes us a family. I wonder, do you have it yet, young as you are?

TV Show: Naruto


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