Naruto Quote

Kakashi: [on Haku and Zabuza, seeing through Haku's tracker ninja disguise] They look pretty chummy to me. I'd say they've been pulling scams like that for a long time.
Sakura: He's got some nerve facing us again after a trick like that!
Kakashi: And hiding behind a mask. Who does he think he's fooling?
Sakura: Speak for yourself, Sensei!
Sasuke: That's it. I'm taking him out.
Sakura: Huh?
Sasuke: Who does he think he's fooling, hiding behind that mask like some sort of clown?
Sakura: Sasuke! You're so cool!
Kakashi: [Thinking] Wait a sec, didn't I just say that? She'll never change...

TV Show: Naruto


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