Pee-wees Big Adventure Quotes

Pee-wee: [falls off bike after attempting tricks] I meant to do that!

Movie: Pee-wees Big Adventure
Pee-wee: Good morning, Pee Wee.
Pee-wee: Good morning, Mr. Breakfast!
Pee-wee: Can I have some Mr. T cereal?
Pee-wee: OK!
Pee-wee: I pity the foo' that don't eat Mr. T cereal!

Movie: Pee-wees Big Adventure
Simone: Do you have any dreams?
Pee-wee: Yeah, I'm all alone. I'm rolling a big doughnut and this snake wearing a vest...

Movie: Pee-wees Big Adventure
[Everyone is leaving Pee-wee's basement, while Pee-wee goes on with his boring evidence meeting]
Dottie: Pee-wee, let's go up and get some fresh air, alright?
Pee-wee: What for?
Dottie: Because it's hot in here.
Pee-wee: Hot? Who's hot? Feels just fine to me. [sarcastically]
Pee-wee: I feel just PERFECT! In fact, I can't remember when I felt quite so COZY down here!
Dottie: Pee-wee, I think I can get Chuck to give you a good break on one of the bikes in the shop.
Pee-wee: I don't want some other crappy bike!
Dottie: Well, Pee-wee, listen, if you want my help...
Pee-wee: [shouting] I DON'T want your help! I don't need the police and I DON'T NEED YOU! [screaming]

Movie: Pee-wees Big Adventure
[Mario shows Pee-wee a box of new items]
Mario: Fake blood. Or is it?
Pee-wee: Ecchh! No.
Mario: Super stink bomb?
Pee-wee: Have some.
Mario: Shrunken head?
Pee-wee: No.
Mario: Regular size?
Pee-wee: No.
Mario: [brings out an enormous head; laughs deeply]
Pee-wee: NOOOOO!
Mario: Trick gum?
Pee-wee: Okay.
Mario: Headlight glasses?
Pee-wee: Yeah!
Mario: And direct from Australia... The Boomerang Bow-Tie!
Pee-wee: Come in red?
Mario: [Mario extracts a red boomerang bow-tie]

Movie: Pee-wees Big Adventure
[Pee-wee is offering a $10,000 reward to whoever finds his bike]
Dottie: Pee-wee, how are you ever going to pay a reward like that?
Pee-wee: It's simple. Whoever returns the bike is obviously the person who stole it. So they don't deserve any reward!

Movie: Pee-wees Big Adventure