Primeval Quote

Connor: Jenny?
Jenny: Connor?
Abby: Jenny!
Jenny: Oh no, no, no, no, no, this can't be happening.
Connor: What are you doing here?
Jenny: What am I doing here? What are you doing here? [Laughs] This is a joke, right? [Pause] But, how did you know I was getting married?
Abby: Married!
Jenny: You're here, and... oh, my God, there's an anomaly!
Matt: I'm Matt Anderson.
Jenny: What am I going to tell him?
Abby: Who?
Jenny: Michael, my fiance!
Abby: Oh.
Jenny: I'm not a demanding bride, really I'm not. Rain I can handle. Wrong flowers, fine. Dinosaurs? I draw the line.
Conner: Actually, they're more like prehistoric dogs this time. Kinda cute in a not-raptor way... I'm just gonna shut up.

TV Show: Primeval


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