Rear Window Quote

[ first lines ]
Voice on radio : Men, are you over 40? When you wake up in the morning, do you feel tired and rundown? Do you have that listless feeling... [ the camera pans around the courtyard; cut to later in the day ]
Jeff : [ answering phone ] Jefferies.
L.B. Jefferies' Editor : Congratulations, Jeff!
Jeff : For what?
L.B. Jefferies' Editor : For getting rid of that cast!
Jeff : Who said I was getting rid of it?
L.B. Jefferies' Editor : This is Wednesday; seven weeks from the day you broke your leg. Yes or no?
Jeff : Gunnison, how did you ever get to be such a big editor with such a small memory?
L.B. Jefferies' Editor : By thrift, industry, and hard work... and, uh, catching the publisher with his secretary. Did I get the wrong day?
Jeff : No... no, wrong week. *Next* Wednesday I emerge from this plaster cocoon.

Movie: Rear Window


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