Red Ink Quotes
Claire Harbow: Okay, here's what I got. How about a mad scientist who figures out how to time travel and, inadvertently, screws up his own birth.
Phillip Harbow: [not knowing how to answer] No.
Phillip Harbow: [not knowing how to answer] No.
Movie: Red Ink
Phillip Harbow: Now, here's the kicker. One day, there's this doll, the marrying type, that shows up in Spade's office. Turns out she's desperately in love with the piano player who has now disappeared. [beat]
Phillip Harbow: Well, what do you think?
Claire Harbow: So, it's kinda like your first novel?
Phillip Harbow: What? No. Well, sort of, but not exactly.
Phillip Harbow: Well, what do you think?
Claire Harbow: So, it's kinda like your first novel?
Phillip Harbow: What? No. Well, sort of, but not exactly.
Movie: Red Ink