Rise of the Planet of the Apes Quote

[first lines]Robert Franklin: [administering chimp intelligence test]Okay, okay. Here you go. And let's go again. [gives Bright Eyes treat and clocks timer]
Will Rodman: Which one's this? Number nine?
Robert Franklin: Yeah, this is number nine. Bright Eyes, we call her. Are you watching this? This is unbelievable. [Bright Eyes does the tower fast]
Robert Franklin: Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Bright Eyes: [grabs treat and eats it]
Will Rodman: How many moves was that?
Robert Franklin: 20. [Will looks at them and starts to head out]
Robert Franklin: Yeah, a perfect score is 15. Doc, what are you giving her?
Will Rodman: [heads out]Hey, give that video! [runs out the hallway and opens the door to Steven Jacobs' office]
Will Rodman: Chimp number nine, just one dose.
Steven Jacobs: [looks at Will and holds a phone down]Aren't I seeing you later?
Will Rodman: [puts file on desk]We're good to go.
Steven Jacobs: I'm going to call you back. Yeah, all right. Thanks. Bye.
Will Rodman: The 112. It works. [walks to a large screen]
Steven Jacobs: On just the one primate.
Will Rodman: One is all we need. Full cognitive recorvery. We're ready.
Steven Jacobs: Look are you sure you're not rushing this?
Will Rodman: I've been working on this for five and a half years. The data is clear. We're ready, Steven. All I need is your approval for human trials.
Steven Jacobs: For this, you're going to need the board's approval. There's alot of money riding on this, Will. You only get one shot.
Will Rodman: One shot is all I need.
Steven Jacobs: [sighing]All right. But I'll need to see all the research.
Will Rodman: [bangs on the desk]You got it.
Steven Jacobs: And, Will...
Will Rodman: Yeah?
Steven Jacobs: Keep y

Movie: Rise of the Planet of the Apes


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