Robot Chicken Quote

Jerry Poppendaddi: There's nothing like some tasty bamboo, especially when you're Ling Ling, who's traveled all the way from China to visit... um... ah... I'm sorry, I just don't feel safe next to this animal.
Cameraman: It's completely harmless, Jerry.
Jerry Poppendaddi: Er, ah, are you sure? It's just that... ah... alright...
Cameraman: Still rolling.
Jerry Poppendaddi: There's nothing like a nice piece of bamboo... ah... when... Crap!
Cameraman: Stop being such a wuss.
Jerry Poppendaddi: I-I-I... it's... fine. Fine!
Cameraman: Rolling.
Jerry Poppendaddi: There's...ah...nothing like a nice piece of bamboo, especially when-- [the panda leans over, bites Jerry's head off, and burps]
Bloopers Host: You just can't trust the Chinese. [audience laughs] There certainly weren't any Chinese in Hazzard County, but Bo and Luke had problems of their own!

TV Show: Robot Chicken


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