Robot Chicken Quote

Ponda Baba: [in Ponda Baba's bedroom; wakes up and speaks in his native tongue -- Ponda Baba grumbles in a deep, intimidating and incoherent voice][subtitles] Today's gonna be great! I can already tell! [takes a shower; eats Admiral Ackbar Cereal while reading the back of the cereal box; brushes teeth; walks outside with a brown briefcase][subtitles] Today's the day I get that promotion!
[at work]
Dr. Evazan: Wazuuuup, Ponda!
Ponda Baba: [subtitles] Wazuuuup, Evazan!
Dr. Evazan: Let's bust out early and hit that new cantina across the street!
Ponda Baba: [subtitles] I really shouldn't-
Dr. Evazan: C'mooon! One drink ain't gonna kill ya!
[at the Mos Eisley Cantina]
Dr. Evazan: --like I'm really gonna eat of bananas after that?!
Ponda Baba: [subtitles] Ha, ha, ha! You are so funny, man!
[ Luke Skywalker takes a seat besides Ponda Baba and accidentally bumps into his shoulder; Ponda gets his attention by pushing him on the shoulder. He then speaks to him but Luke is completely oblivious to what Ponda is saying]
Ponda Baba: [subtitles] I love your hair! Where do you get it done?
[Luke turns away; Evazan gets his attention by tapping him on the shoulder]
Dr. Evazan: He doesn't like you.
Ponda Baba: [subtitles] That's not what I said!
Luke Skywalker: Sorry. [turns away again; Evazan pushes Luke's shoulder]
Dr. Evazan: I don't like you, either. You better watch yourself. We're wanted men.
Ponda Baba: [subtitles] What?
Dr. Evazan: I have the death sentence on twelve systems.
Luke Skywalker: I'll be careful.
Dr. Evazan: You'll be dead

TV Show: Robot Chicken


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